Swamp Gnome

The swamp gnome can be found in virtually any swamp throughout Aligar. They actively avoid Rock Gnomes and Desert Gnomes, not that many rock or desert gnomes venture into the swamps to begin with.

Special Abilities

Swamp gnomes are cunning and agile, they are not the biggest thing that lives in the swamp. They are very in tune to their surroundings, in some cases they would give forest gnomes a run for their money. They have exceptional hearing and can feel vibrations through the water or ground. 


Swamp gnomes live in small pockets of communities made up of one or two family units. These gnomes are matriarchal, meaning the elders are the three oldest females and when couples partner together the male moves in with the female's family. 


Swamp gnomes view their swamp as one giant organism, they feel everything is connected. They are highly spiritual beings and are very concerned with keeping balance in their swamps. They are fiercely protective of their environments and do not like outsiders.


Culture and cultural heritage

Swamp gnomes pair with partners at much younger ages than other gnomes. They are hyper focused on raising families and keeping their populations strong.

Art & Architecture

Swamp gnomes inherit a magical ability that lets them grow their houses out of trees and vines. It takes about one day and a lot of concentration for a swamp gnome to build a house. Building a house is a big deal in the communities and is often celebrated with a feast.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Female swamp gnomes typically give birth to 8-10 baby gnomes at one time, only the strongest 1-3 will survive the first two years.

Coming of Age Rites

Swamp gnome babies are not named until they reach their second year of life. Parents believe that it is at this time the baby will survive into adulthood, and most do.


Courtship Ideals

Swamp gnomes value large families and so they seek out partners that will be able to care for and provide those large families. It is frowned upon to seek relationships with other gnome ethnicities. Swamp gnomes are highly sensitive to inbreeding and so they have developed a complex rule set for what communities are allowed to date at any time. Approval in a courtship is agreed upon by both community's elders.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are commonly viewed as partnerships. Each partner has unique expectations and responsibilities. It is important that the relationship compliments the family community the couple is moving in with.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

Cover image: by Skitterphoto


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