History of Aligar

A timeline of major events in Aligar

Era of the Long Lived

10002 BT 5000 BT

A time of high magic when the elves ruled the world.

  • -5026 LL

    -5025 LL

    The Great Loxodon Defiance
    Military action

    The Great Loxodon Defiance was a war that broke out on Onira between the resident loxodon and the exploring elven Altherion Empire. A bloody war that forever changed the landscape of the continent, the loxodon were defeated. They could not match the resources and determination of the invading elves.

    More reading
    Great Loxodon Defiance
  • -5023 LL

    -5022 LL

    Extinguishing the Elves
    Military action

    Not long after Great Loxodon Defiance, the world experienced a total loss of magic which caused the collapse of the elves. When the elves were at their weakest and after quite a few has already perished, the gnomes, dwarves, and remaining loxodon banded together to finish them off. Restoring the continent to its original inhabitants.

    More reading
    Extinguishing the Elves

The Before Times

5000 BT 0 BT