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Lady Eris von Erich Rhaevaern (a.k.a. Eri)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  While she was a child, her family was on their way to visit the Rhaevaern Clan at the Aona Castle in Xena, Skiostan. After reaching a port city in Skiostan from Zogruze, Tuqon, Lady Eris and her family spent the night in the city before setting off to the capital: Xena. However, in the middle of the night, the city was invaded by pirates. By the time Lady Eris and her family had woken up from all the commotion on the streets, the pirates had burst into the inn they were staying in. So, they rushed to gather their things, mostly making sure their important items were packed and ready to go. Luckily, they were in one of the biggest rooms at the very end of the hall on the top floor of the inn, giving them a little more time before the pirates reached them. While they were rushing to leave, Lady Eris' father had written a letter for her to give to King Llamryl Rhaevaern if the worst were to come.    
By the time her father was finished with his letter, they were ready to flee and all the important items and documents were packed. At the same time, the pirates finally reached the top floor and started raiding each room one by one. So, Lady Eris' parents decided to go through the bedroom windows and head to a porte cochère that is located just outside the city's boundaries. Her family was lucky enough to make it to the porte cochère without running into any of the pirates. However, it didn't last long as they could hear some of the pirates heading towards them. So, Lady Eris' parents decided to place her in a carriage, hide her amongst cargo, and hope the driver head to the capital with her in the back. Before heading off in a different direction to offset the pirates from Lady Eris' hiding spot, her father made sure she understood that she must head to Xena with the stuff they brought and to make she handed the letter he had written back at the inn to King Llamryl as soon as she meets.     She quickly agreed once her father promised her they'd be right behind her, not knowing she'd never see them ever again. Once she made it to Xena and met King Llamryl in the Aona Castle, she handed the letter her father had given her to the king. After reading the letter, King Llamryl told her that she was welcome to stay at the Aona Castle until her parents arrived. However, as she grew up, she slowly understood that she may never see her parents again. Once her presentation of her sub-gender/pack rank was over, Lady Eris asked King Llamryl if her parents were no longer alive to confirm her suspicion. Believing she was old enough to understand what had happened, King Llamryl decided to tell her the truth and also about the promise he had made with her father. After telling her everything and answering any questions she may have, King Llamryl allowed her to continue staying at Aona Castle for however long she decided to.


Contacts & Relations

Lady Eris' family - the von Erich Clan - have a close relationship with the Rhaevaern Clan despite the fact their species are known to be mortal enemies.

Family Ties

Lady Eris is married to Irhaal Rhaevaern, and together they have a daughter: Exeelia  Rhaevaern. Due to their polyamorous relationship, Lady Eris is the sister-wife to Valindra Amaratharr and Rhetia Sirevon.




Towards Irhaal




Towards Eris


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Doxkon 22
Irhaal (Husband)
5'6" | 168 cm
Aligned Organization

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