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Werewolves are a sub-species of werebeasts. You can also break werewolves down even further into 12 different breeds. There are Crystal, Storm, Gale, Agrarian, Blood, Pyro, Speculum, Eidolon, Thunder, Blood, Frost, Muse, and Nature Werewolves. Each breed is a reflection of the environment they originated and were raised in, with some influence on Alithia's moon cycle.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

When it comes to werewolf reproduction, there are some similarities to human reproduction, but also some differences to keep in mind. Werewolves, specifically those of the alphas and omegas varieties, have specific times of fertility known as heats and ruts. If a werewolf were to mate during these times, there is a higher chance of pregnancy. This chance is even higher if the couple is an alpha-omega pairing and both partners are experiencing their fertility cycles simultaneously. However, it can be challenging to time this correctly, as alphas usually experience ruts only two to three times per year, and omegas typically experience heats three to four times per year. During ruts, it is the only time that alphas can knot their partners, but prime alphas, also known as purebred alphas, can knot outside of a rut.

Growth Rate & Stages

Werewolves grow relatively the same rate as humans, with just a few extra developments. As werewolves are born in their human forms and will develop generally the same as humans. Once a pup reaches the age of 5, it can start learning how to shift into its wolf form with the help of its parents. It's a bit easier for them to learn how to shift if an alpha werewolf is present during the lessons. Around the age of 15, each werewolf goes through a 'presentation' to see their pack rank. There are times when werewolves have presented earlier than 15. However, that's only if they were to present as an omega. In alphas, traits of one start to appear as early as 12; a little later than omegas. However, female alphas can present just as early as their omega piers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Werewolves primarily consume meat, but they also occasionally incorporate vegetables, fruits, and other non-meat foods into their diet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

With werewolves, there are no kings/queens, emperors/empresses, presidents, and so on. However, they do have something similar. In each pack, there are alphas, elders, betas, omegas, pups, and vargulfs that are potentially lingering around the pack grounds. The general hierarchy for werewolves is the pack alpha/luna, the pack elders, the pack omega (typically the pack alpha's mate), alphas, betas, omegas, pups, and vargulfs. However, knowing which one is more important than the other between the pack elders and the pack alpha/luna may differ between each pack. As for who or what pack oversees the species, in general, is a group made up of elders that are known as The Council.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Superhuman abilities/senses (speed, endurance, night vision, etc.)
  • A bite that's extremely lethal to vampires, even in human form
  • Telepathy (Only amongst pack members and mates. It's at its strongest with mates and can choose to have telepathy if they are already mated.)
  • Alpha Voice (Only applies to alphas)
  • Sulfate gas (fatal if exposed to it)
  • Wolfsbane (a herb)

Civilization and Culture

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Although it can differ between packs, it's common to have the pack alpha, the pack alpha's mate, the pups, and the elders be served food first.
  • No werewolf can neglect a pup in pain or in danger, even if they are in a pack or not.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Every werewolf has a soulmate, a soulmate who is the perfect half of their soul. Soulmates are taken extremely seriously because it's rare for one to find their soulmate. If one has found their soulmate, they're considered very lucky. A werewolf can tell someone is their soulmate. One of the indicators is their scent. Each person on Alithia, regardless of species, has at least one scent gland that is located on their neck. With the scent gland, each person emits their unique scent. Species outside of the werebeast species typically have only one scent. Whereas werebeast as two distinct scents, a personal scent and one for the pack rank they presented as. When werewolves meet their soulmates for the first time, their soulmate's scent is at least three times more enticing to them than anyone else.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mating and marrying one from that's not a werewolf - or at least a werebeast of some sort - isn't unheard of. However, the older generations considered it unlucky if one were to mate/marry someone from a different species other than a werewolf or werebeast. They always tell the younger generations to keep their bloodline as pure as possible.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Oglait, Opaena
450 years
Average Height
Human Form: Women = 163 cm | Men = 176.5 cm
Average Weight
Human Form: Women = 65 kg | Men = 78.5 kg
Geographic Distribution
Damage Immunities
  • Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks that aren't silvered

Articles under Werewolf


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