Imperial Parliament
The Machinery of State
Parliament is the body responsible for executing the Emperor's will; however, the days of the dictatorial emperor are largely over. The organs of state have slowly been ceded to the citizens over millennia, leading to a more equitable (if undemocratic) government.
The Imperial Parliament is comprised of three Bureaux. The Council of Nobles assumes the role of the senior (and most conservative) portion. Representatives of the Great Houses make up its membership, who (while not necessarily nobles themselves) advocate for their powerful patrons. In a siliar sense, their closest allies, the House of Burgesses, speaks on behalf of the nascent middle class. It is made up of representatives from each chartered town and city in the Empire. It tends toward conservatism, but opposes control of resources by the nobility. Finally, the junior bureau, the Episcopal Curia represents the common folk and Church. It acts as the conscience of state, and is made up of Iuniores - that is, delegates from each diocese - and Seniorii selected by the Hierarch of each Temple.