Tor Republic
Last Remnant of the Empire on Mainland
The Empire colonized Mainland during the Third Age, creating settlements as they did so. Most were predictably military outposts, but in lands with natural wealth, efforts were made to capitalize those resources. So it was with the Tor Lands.
The sheltering Tor Mountains act not only as a bulwark from outsiders, but moderate the climate, and provide shelter for great glaciers that enrich the surrounding lowlands. The rich, arable soils, abundant irrigation, and mineral wealth made this region a vital location for a colony.
It didn't take long for the Tor colony to be fully established, with farms, roads, and ports to haul those riches across Tor Bay to the Imperial receiving stations. The people of Tor mined the wealth of their land for the Empire for generation upon generation in return for the protection of the Imperial Army and bureacracy (indeed, they had a seat in the Parliament).
However, with the Empire's decline, that support no longer exists. The military was withdrawn, requiring the locals to arrange their own defenses. It became obvious early on that with each settlement accounting for its own protection, the costs and flexibilty would be prohibitive; conversely, acting as a collective would reduce cost and improve overall effectiveness. Thus, the Tor Republic was formed, following the early framework of the Elurian Empire.