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An Island that would only appear on certain days of the year inhabited by a group of people who worship a God named Nerezza. On the day of its appearance, there is a torrential storm that occupies the incoming location for 24 hours before it appears behind the mist.   Mist covers much of the coast of the island.   After the Circle of Six and, the Pirate King Killed Nerezza that ruled the island. The Island stopped jumping planes once the magic was eliminated from the island. The island is now located South of Oni island and Astrafell. The Climate is much colder in the southern part of this ocean. The weather of the island and vegetation on the island change to a colder temperate environment pretty quickly after the party left the island.    There is a small community that still makes their home there and has trade relations with the Pirate King and Oni Island.


(Mutatis Plane) A giant mass of dirt, roots, tunnels, and the occasional boulder.   (The Mizzled Garden) of A heavily vegetated stretch of jungle roughly 10 miles from end to end on the East Side of the Island.   (Mount Nezburn) A dormant volcano covered in a dense forest. In the crater of the volcano is a lake with oddly clear water.   (The Growling Cliffs) 100+ ft Cliffs on the North Side of the Island.   (The Veiled Cay) The Coral Reef surrounding the island.   (Ecco) The small Village where residences live on the island.   The island has black/charcoal sand beaches. The unique color is a result of the basalt, created by the rapid cooling of lava as it hits the ocean.

Localized Phenomena

A heavily vegetated stretch of jungle roughly 10 miles from end to end. Brief but heavy rainstorms are unnaturally frequent, passing overhead at least twice a day but never lasting more than 1-3 hours at a time. While traveling through the miniature jungle composing the majority of the island, conventional methods of tracking or finding direction are impossible, with the plant life and terrain manipulating themselves to create entirely new layouts many times throughout the day. All but the most potent of pathfinding or similar spells fail to take effect within the boundaries of the greenery, and any attempts at teleportation or planar travel are instantly shut down upon casting. It is only during the rainstorms that the trickery of the jungle is suppressed, allowing both conventional and magical means of exiting the vegetation.   Occasionally winds can be felt around the island. The wind seems to warm for the climate and it feels extremely humid. Mist starts to spread, a mist with the stench of rotten eggs. On its shores, you see dead fish, birds, and monsters everywhere, mostly small ones. As time passes and the tide comes in, the sand is covered by water and you see water flow through cracks into the mountain. That night the moon jellies appear in the bay and the fish and wildlife around the Veil (coral reef) glow with bio lumincients.

Articles under Nepttin


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