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A Unpleasant Meeting & Swim

Diplomatic action

17/4 17:00
18/4 4:00

The Party travels to the top of Mount Nezburn to talk to Nerezza. A large lake of clear water small orbs of light start to glow below the surface of the water and they hear a voice that asks them what they have to offer. Some offered little, others offered a lot Kag instructed them to throw the offering in the water. Some were stingy while others were very generous. Nerezzra would speak in their mind. "Your offer is accepted" During the course of the exchange much was given. Estra was wearing her ring of mind shielding and while she was allowing Nerezza to speak in her mind she heard another distinctly recognizable voice or Vozgan say "Hello Little Bird, I can't stay here much longer. Payback is a Bitch" and a force launched her body into the water. Alcath dove in after her. Magic Charms of the water overtook them both and they swam toward the center of the mountain. The glowing orbs reveal themselves at Spectators and after many close calls and a battle. The water of the lake solidifies and the party can no longer break the surface of the lake.   Battered, hurt, and broken the party rests for the night to discuss what to do next.

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