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Arrival to the Island

Discovery, Exploration


The Maidens Honor arrives at the location of the Shell Island. After some trouble, they drop anchor in a cove located on the southwest part of the island. Travel through a magical jungle and meet a few locals.

The Circle of Six and crew of the Madians Honor sale onward and reach the location of the Shell Map Island early. The spot is engulfed by a raging storm 50miles wide. The Captian orders the ship to sail directly into the storm. Once inside there is a void each person is alone in a dark vast nothing. As time passes they seem to be stuck there forever and are then ejected out of the storm the ship entered.   Around midnight the storm passes where the torrent once stood, a large tropical island appears. Black sandy beaches, lush forest jungle, a lush beautiful coral reef, and a large imposing Volcano meet their gaze. All sorts of marine life surround the island and birds fly overhead. There is a large outlet of land near the southern end that is void of plants or life. The Maidens Honor steers clear of the reef and drops anchor in a cove on the southwest part of the island.   The Circle of Six and Captian Bobushio embark on the island and venture east into the jungle toward a ridge. They soon discover there is some sort of magic that changes and moves the foliage and confuses the explorers to make them lose their way. After an insightful attempt with a spider monkey Moz and an arduous trek across the forest the party successfully travels toward their destination only for it to start raining. The rain seems to clear the confusion and dispel the magic of the forest. Soon the nearby animals and creatures make this place their home take notice of the party. With haste, the party runs toward the ridge to be tracked by a group of Giants Apes. During the encounter, 3 figures aid them in scaring off the Apes and other creatures that were lying in wait. The hunting party introduces themselves as Airrn (female Dragonborn), Glon (Male Hobgoblin), and Hazel (Beastial looking Female). Together they escort the party to their village before the rain stops.

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The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)