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The Summer Lands

Time and distance in the fey lands never flow at a constant rate. The region is called the Summer Lands, a place ruled by three lesser nobles and one powerful Sidhe (Shee), the River King.    The lesser rulers are the Rowan King, the Birch Queen, and the Oak King.    There are also the roaming herds of the Unicorns and Pegsi ruled by Eachthighern.


The ever-changing Summer Lands have no map. The Sidhe (Shee) know the way.  The primary sites of the Summer Kingdoms are...
  The Dragon Tatzel’s Clearing(east),
  The River and its waterfalls (meandering throughout),
  The Rumbling Ford (north),
  The Oak King’s Court (north),
  The Rowan King’s Circle (southeast),
  The False Mill (south),
  The Frog Marsh (southwest),
  and the Birch Queens’ Fair (center).
    The Cedar Mountains bound the south, and the forest’s edge, the north. This section of forest extends roughly 100 miles in every direction and is entirely difficult terrain filled with large animals and scattered fey courts of sidhe and (to a lesser degree) elves, gnomes, goblins, and bugbears.
  The darkest portion of the forest is those where toadstools take the place of undergrowth, where fierce boars and relentless fey patrol in the shadows, and where the Ettercap are given the titles of fey lords and ladies.

Localized Phenomena

Most fey in the Seelie/Summer Court will carry some sort of motif with them since the Summer court generally represents vibrant life and strength. You might find the fey here more warlike or tribal. Many beasts and beast-like fey will tend to be larger than their mortal coil cousins. Some may be covered in gold or emerald leaves, their coloring may also be extremely colorful and prismatic. Seelie Court Fey might be prone to anger or have short tempers, you will find plenty of strong predators as well.    Even Queen Titania has been known to be extremely vengeful, almost as badly as the Queen of Air and Darkness from the Unseelie Gloaming/Winter Court.

Fauna & Flora

There are plenty of dryads and nymphs that guard a grove within the Summer court, most of these tend to have golden features to represent the endless sunlight that shines through the Emerald Forest. You can find dozens of elemental spirits that roam through the Summer Woods, anything from fire sprites to sylphs.    Remember that the Summer Equinox is the highest point of power for the Summer court, entities like Titania are not be trifled with during this period. While many of the Summer faerie folk are well-intentioned, they ultimately have their own ulterior agenda and will stretch the truth to fit their motives. One observation is to consider the Summer fey as the kind of entity that would stab you in the back but with a smile and warm food at the same time.


Some important Fey entities/deities in the Summerlands and the Summercourt:

The River King - King of the River Court and Ruler of the Summerlands. Elven with blue long hair, He only answers to Titiana. The River Court resides within a castle made of smooth white stone that sits upon an island. A single white-feathered eagle perches in a nest on the highest tower. It cries out loudly when visitors approach by the road or the river.

The Oak King is an enormous treant who rules over sidhe, satyrs, talking animals, birds, and many other fey creatures. His court is a clearing of oaks mixed with shelters grown from woven brambles and houses built into the largest trees. The Oak King has no interest in non-fey affairs and offers little to humans and other iron-bearing creatures. Visitors meet with some hostility if they carry axes and iron but may stay in the smallest, wettest, draftiest hut in the court for a mere 20 gp a night. Food costs extra, around 5 gp per meal.

The Rowan King - is the Lord of centaurs. This powerful fey is the patron of communities and natural balances. Most centaurs are often the mediators and wardens of nature both in the Feywild and the material plane. The Rowan King is a powerful centaur who is the master o many of the larger creatures in this section of the Summer Lands, including most bugbears, ogres, and even a handful of giants. Each year, he seeks the Birch Queen’s hand as her consort in order to unite the two kingdoms against the River King, but always unsuccessfully.

The Birch Queen - is the Lord of treants and trees. Often much of the Emerald Woods is an extension of this powerful and ancient fey deity. The Birch Queen is an entity that represents deep and hidden magics or old sage wisdom. She often appears as a Dryad, sometimes as an old, wizened sage with a crooked wooden staff, though sometimes she may seem like a gnome as well.

Eachthighern, Lord of unicorns and pegasi. He embodies protection and loyalty, he is also a patron of healing.

Fairy godmothers are often times fey nobles or archfey of considerable power who lure humans under their service and often times tempt them with sweets or presents. Not all fairy godmothers are benevolent, there are plenty of evil fairy godmothers. But even these fey should be met with caution and trepidation.

The Green Knight is a powerful archfey that guards and protects the Emerald Woods, often confused for the Summer Knight, but that title belongs to Titania’s consort and ally. This fey often is said to be an extension of The Birch Queen or King Oberon, but oftentimes it can be seen to have a will of its own.
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