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The Shepard Estate

Civil action

8/6 14:00

Aela visits The Shepard Estate in the Treeside District. She learns more about her mysterious past.

She then learned the location of her Estate. The Circle of Six travelled with her to the house in the Treeside District. Gilly snuck up to the house to get a peek and saw two children playing on the floor. When she saw the children she signaled Brerenax to not enter the house. Moz and Aela made a telepathic link so Aela could inform the party if she needed help. Alcath then excorted Brerenax to a nearby tavern to distract him.   A dragonborn housekeeper named Millmenthara or Milly greeted her as master of the house. She then "introduced" her to Aela's daughters, Miranda and Tali . Then her partner Garrus Shepard asked "did you find her?" He also expressed joy of having her back because he had not been feeling well. Aela told him I can not remember anything. He then told her this story.   "Many years ago when he and Aela were first married they were having trouble starting a family. They tried for many years and after no success the weight of this trial began to affect every aspect of his life.   The despair and grief turned to hopelessness and in a moment of weakness was met by a beautiful woman claiming to be a healer. She said "I can cure that which is impeding you from bearing a child but it will only work if you agree to give me the first born." She explained the baby would not be alive when born so his wife would be none the wiser. Afterward they would be able to bare as many children as they desired. Garrus agreed to the terms and the deal was stuck.   Like promised 9 months later Aela welcomed their first child into the world. They named her Liara. Tragically the child was still born and while Aela wept for her child the body disappeared into a pile of dust. Garrus knew it was Fey magic at work and fained ignorance of what evil magic was at play.   After sometime and healing they welcomed two healthy and happy daughters Miranda and Tali to their family. But as time passed on the guilt of what he had done weighed on his soul. After 10 years of trying to reveal his awful truth to his wife he finally told Aela what he had done.   Aela immediately started packing for a journey and said to him she was going to find Liara their daughter and bring her back. He pleaded with her to stay and accept the fate of their daughter but Aelas resolve was absolute. She left her family safe in Ethios and journeyed to find the fate of her lost first born daughter Liara."   Aela enraged at this story told him she is still going to find Liara and said goodbye to her daughters and Garrus once again.

Related Location
The Shepard Estate
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)