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Aela Shepard

Champion of the Lochkin Court Aela Shepard

Aela Shepards earliest known encounter is where her and Brerenax Minstrelson met on the road near Drakenwall while Brerenax was on his way to help his friend Ymir Fowlstriker in a fight to defend his people. Brerenax was ambushed by thieves and wounded in the fight. Before the bandits have the chance to finish him off, Aela sees what is happening and comes to help. She fights off the bandits and lays her hands on Brerenax to heal him.   After thanking Aela, Brerenax tells her of his plan to aid Ymir and she agrees to go with him to help. Brerenax and Aela meet Ymir and the three join in a fight with Ymir's people against an unknown invading army.   During the fight, Aela becomes separated from Brerenax and Ymir. A mysterious soldier casts a memory wipe spell on Aela. He escapes before Ymir and Brerenax can get to him and Aela has no memory of who she was. Ymir remains with his people to help them recover from the battle while Brerenax and Aela set out to regain her memories.   They traveled to Stars Hollow for the festival to find leads on who the villain is that stole Aela's memories or her previous life.   After she was knocked unconscious in the battle of the 3 Heirs. Gwen visited Aela in her dream state and told her to follow the birds. She was led to the Tower of Aunai in Kucca and after scaling the tower was gifted "Regent."   During the Battle of Kucca Aela found out the crest she saw during the attack on Nayluge was a member of the mercenary group the Twin Manticores.   She is discovered from the Pirate King that she once lived in the City of Ethios under a King named Andran the Silver King. She is part of The Silver Corps because of her Gleaming chainmail armor and Sigal ring.   After a trip to Ethios and meeting the Silver King Andran and telling him the tale of her adventures thus far. Aela learned she was a captain in the Silver Corp and the King let her take leave to adventure to a place called the Coville Wood near Mayford. She was on a personal mission from her God. She also found her sleeping quarters where she found 2 small carvings of soldiers with a "T" and "M" carved on the bottom.   When Aela meets Gwen in the Feywild she learns that there has been some sort of magic impeding Gwen from taking a more direct approach to her involvement and growth as a Paladin. She has not been able to give her all the info she has wanted to tell her because of this Veil. Only when Aela asked the questions can she remember or reveal what she wants to know. Gwen thinks she can find answers if she finds her sister Elessandra, finds a way out of the Feywild, and finds the "Green Knight." Later the party would meet the Fairie Queen Titania and after killing the Dire Crow at her request Titania agreed to give Gwen an audience and try and mend their relationship. She learned the Green Knight is the champion of King Oberon.   It was also revealed she believes the memory impeding spell cast on her in Nayluge has the markings of her sister The Queen of Air and Darkness. If she was to lift, it would cause her madness so she must uncover the information over time. The spell was cast to stop her from learning/remembering something.   After she and the Circle of Six confronted The River King - King Ulorian she was put on trial for atrocities toward the Summerlands. The party was confronted by the River Court to address if they had claim to the Material Plane and stop the proposed war on the Material Plane. When Aela discovered Gwendolyn was not present she touched her feather amulet and call upon her. Gwen replied she was on her way.   A challenge was issued by Jenny Greenteeth for trial by combat. During the battle Gwen crashed into the middle of the encounter and challenged the River King for the rite to rule the Summerlands. She made a plea and declaration that with all this unjust and lazy ruling he is unfit to be on the throne. He accepted the challenge and with the help of allies of Gwen and the Circle of Six slayed King Ulorian.   Gwen was then anointed Queen of the Lochkin Court and ruler of the Summerlands. She then thanked Aela and made her a fully anointed Champion of the Lochkin Court and Handmaiden to the Queen. She also made her a Swanmay with the power to turn into a Swan. When Aela came back from the Feywild she was wearing a new beautiful embroidered blue cloak and full plate armor. She then learned the location of her Estate. When she visited she was met by a dragonborn named Millie who greeted her as her master of the house. She then "introduced" her to Miranda and Tali her daughters. Then her partner Garrus Shepard asked "did you find her?" He also expressed joy of having her back because he had not been feeling well. Aela told him I can not remember anything. He then told her this story.   "Many years ago when he and Aela were first married they were having trouble starting a family. They tried for many years and after no success the weight of this trial began to affect every aspect of his life.   The despair and grief turned to hopelessness and in a moment of weakness was met by a beautiful woman claiming to be a healer. She said "I can cure that which is impeding you from bearing a child but it will only work if you agree to give me the first born." She explained the baby would not be alive when born so his wife would be none the wiser. Afterward they would be able to bare as many children as they desired. Garrus agreed to the terms and the deal was stuck.   Like promised 9 months later Aela welcomed there first child into the world. They named her Liara. Tragically the child was still born and while Aela wept for her child the body disappeared into a pile of dust. Garrus knew it was Fey magic at work and fained ignorance of what evil magic was at play.   After sometime and healing they welcomed two healthy and happy daughters Miranda and Tali to their family. But as time passed on the guilt of what he had done weighed on his soul. After 10 years of trying to reveal his awful truth to his wife he finally told Aela what he had done.   Aela immediately started packing for a journey and said to him she was going to find there daughter and bring her back. He pleaded with her to stay and accept the fate of their daughter but Aelas resolve was absolute. She left her family safe in Ethios and journeyed to find the fate of her lost first born daughter."   Aela enraged at this story told him she is still going to find Liara and said goodbye to her daughters and Garrus once again. She visited Garrus one more time with Alcath to try and heal him of his ailments. She discovered that it was Fey magic that struck him with the sickness and there was some sort of invisible fey creature that kept him sick.   At the End of The Audtion Arc. Aela was sent a Letter from Hadaronos The Shining Tempest from Ethios. It was a call to arms as tentions between in home city of Drakkenwall and Ethios has become hostile. She was to report to Ethios to help in the war as a Commander of The Silver Corps . As a result she says goodbye to the Circle of Six and travels back to the Silver City by the Bay with Brerenax Minstrelson who was also called.   Before her farwell The Circle of Six chose to use one of the uses of The Shroud of Olladra to potentally cure the curse from the The Queen of Air and Darkness. Her memories came flooding back to her. She remembered her Mother raising her just the two of them and the path that led her to become the strong woman she is. She rememebered the birth of her 3 daughters and the life she spent with her husband Garrus Shepard. She remembers the day she learn what he did and made a oath of vengence and recieved her gifts from Gwendolyn. She thinks about the day she saved Brerenax from the bandits on the road outside of Drakkenwall and agreed to help him and Ymir Fowlstriker in Nayluge. She remembers seeing the Queen of Air and Darkness disquised as a mercenary in The Twin Manticores take her memories and place the curse one her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Aela Shepard


Towards Garrus Shepard


Garrus Shepard


Towards Aela Shepard


Current Location
Date of Birth
10th of Aprea
Year of Birth
195 VE 30 Years old
Garrus Shepard (Partner)
Dark Blue
Dark hair with Gold Ends
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

Articles under Aela Shepard

Character Portrait image: by Nik English


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