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A Trip Home to Astrafell

Cultural event


The Circle of Six arrives at Estras home in the Garden City of Astrafell. They are met with fanfare and by an armored escort. They see her home Castle Gatrell and meets her family. They enjoy a feast and are given separate sleeping quarters. Estra visits her old mentor and receives a special gift. Estras Father has a talk with her and the party about her past decisions and the consequence.

The Circle of Six travels on the Ellinore to the city of Astrafell. The City is beautiful and green. Tall cliffs covered with foliage and plant life riddle the cliff's face with an immense waterfall separating two sides of the city. Large pully systems carry people, goods, crates, and all matter of things up the cliffside. The group is met by the harbourmaster and an escort when the Gatrell Family colors are noticed on the ship. Estra. There is an elite guard and pathway that meets them on the dock and takes them to Castle Gatrell in the center of the city. Lise greats Estra with outstretched arms in the streets of the city. Upon arriving to the castle the party is given all the hospitality a royal family member is afforded. They meet Edwin Rass head butler and Henry Cogsworth the royal historian on the way to dinner. Estras family welcomes her home and the Six enjoy a courtly feast. Each member is given a private room and the party sleeps well.   Estra takes a moment at the end of the day to go visit Bilzu. She learns more about his relationship with Bobushio and what happened previously with them. He reveals that there may have been some uncomfortable with his Tiefling Heritage and also he was overly imaginative with his creations. Bilzu still holds him and his abilities in high regard. He also gifts Estra with an all-in-one tool.   The next day Lord Victor Gatrell call Estra into a meeting with the Six to ask about their involvement with the Black Fang Clan, Kucca, and Wetrock. After the discussion, it is decided best that Estra decide what the consequence of the international incident should be as the political enemies of Astrafell are using it as leverage to gain more power and destroy the family. Estra is given time to think about what she wants to do.

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