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Estra Gatrell

Lady of the Amber Rose Estrella Gatrell (a.k.a. Caia, Bean, Belladonna)

Grew up in Astrafell a predominantly Human city near the Emerald Bay on the Stannora Coast. Ruled by the Human "Gatrell" Family. The crest is an Amber Rose with an Emerald green background. Known as the Garden city because the waters have a magical property to increase plant growth all year round. Legend says a star fell from heaven into the bay and blessed the lands to be fertile. The city is lush with vegetation and has been a haven for botanists and nature lovers for centuries. A tourist destination and hub for trade and commerce but a lot of products are exported from. The City lies on at the end of The Noble Road the main road leading to Lawrencia the largest city on the continent and Capital of the Empire.   Estra found a Coin with a logo on it with a message referring to "the Mirrors" while in Blightfen.   During the Arevon Castle Arc Estra learned the Find Familiar Spell from the Matriarch Shura of the Black Fang Clan. She also received a letter from her father when they returned from the quest.   After the Dragon Slayer Arc Estra had her mace "Blooming Thorn" concentrated into an Ancestral weapon.   During the Pirate King Arc, Estra was taught how to create a cannon by the Pirate King Bobushio. She changed her subclass to "Artillerist"   Estra asked Gilly if she recognized the logo on the coin. Gilly remembers seeing something similar with some of the people her father used to deal with. Estra gave Gilly the coin.   Upon returning to Astrafell after the defeat of Nerezza. Estra was welcomed home by her loving family. Upon arriving at the castle the party is given all the hospitality a royal family member is afforded. She visited her mentor Bilzu he gifted her an all-in-one tool welcoming her back.    The next day Lord Victor Gatrell call Estra into a meeting with the Six to ask about their involvement with the Black Fang Clan, Kucca, and Wetrock. After the discussion, it is decided best that Estra decide what the consequence of the international incident should be as the political enemies of Astrafell are using it as leverage to gain more power and destroy the family.   Estra tells her father she does not think she could live the princess's life and so she does not put her family in danger she will fake her death, renounce her title and leave Astrafell. Lord Victor Gatrell says that in order for this to work no one should know of her death being faked even himself. Marwynn Fenwick is brought to the city and is to perform a "modify memory" spell on Victor after the party leaves. The plan is put into motion and Estra agrees to never take her "princess" form again and decides to now go by the name "Caia"   During The Audition Caia found out her brother Kedron Gatrell has been a member of The Troupe Troupe called Chorusline for five years. He is leaving the group when he finds out his sister has died. Caia reveals herself to him. She starts to lament that she might never have been a princess, and he stops her. He exclaims "She is and always will be a princess and his sister, Family is more than blood". He’s proud that she chose to “die” for the family. Kedron agrees to keep her secret, but you have to come back and tell me the story. He is investigating who is in charge of The Troupe, he’s felt like Melpomene is a different person from one day to the next. He has a coin too and he doesn’t know what it’s meaning. He believes it’s tied to whatever is going on right now. He found one of the coins in Castle Gatrell. When he approached servants, no one revealed anything. His investigation into changelings led him to The Troupe. He met a shopkeeper in town named @Val who also didn’t know where they were from. He has discovered that maybe Melpomene is a changeling or is impersonated by changelings from time to time. There’s a tie to something called Frost “I”, but I don’t know what it is.   Caia was incarcerated by the leader of The Storm Peak Clan a Tabaxi named Wildcard. She made a deal with her in return for more information about Changelings and for her release, she would reveal a way you could discover if someone is a Changeling or not. Wildcard said also would require a "small" favor for her release and the info. The deal was agreed on by both parties. Caia revealed the use of the moonbeam spell to revert a change back to its true white form. Wildcard fetched a scroll and used it on Caia as proof of its effectiveness. Wildcard was pleased and released her and they formed a new professional relationship of trust.   Later Caia confronted and discovered other changings that had disguised themselves as members of Ivy Hill. When interrogated they accused her of "being a deserter and now that they knew of her they would find her and kill her." In response to this Caia slit their throat.   Caia then learned about the origin of The Progeny of Mirrors by reading chapter 9 or The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred as a result she contacted Kedron Gatrell.   Later it was revealed that Daisy her mentor was a changeling in disguise that had been protecting Estra since birth. They are the sire/mother of Estra and switched her at birth to give Estra a chance at protection hiding from a radical group of changelings known as The Progeny of Mirrors.   Daisy revealed herself after Kedron Gatrell showed them Estra was alive and looking for information about Changelings. At that point Estra joined the rebel group The Unwritten to fight against the The Progeny of Mirrors   It was then Estra decided to go back home to Astrafell, and enlist the help of her family in the fight against The Progeny of Mirrors and use her position as a Nobel of Astrafell Estra Gatrell and her uncover personal as Caia to help in the secret war. She says a tearful goodbye to The Path of Nightshade to pursue her goal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Lise Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Lise Gatrell


Kedron Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Kedron Gatrell


Lillian Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Lillian Gatrell


Jorn Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Jorn Gatrell


Brigitte Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Brigitte Gatrell


Kedron Gatrell


Towards Estra Gatrell


Estra Gatrell


Towards Kedron Gatrell


Current Status
On a mission to fight The Mirrors
Current Location
Date of Birth
8th of Novet
Year of Birth
207 VE 18 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Lise Gatrell (Sister)
Lillian Gatrell (Sister)
Jorn Gatrell (Brother)
Brigitte Gatrell (Sister)
Kedron Gatrell (Brother)
Aligned Organization

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