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Traveling to Ethios

Population Migration / Travel


In the aftermath of Caia's farewell, the party considers their options and decides to travel to Ethios on the continent of Val Xora with the help of Marwynn and the Aislinn Tower.

Marwynn Fenwick takes the party through the Teleportation Circle in Astrafell to the Aislinn Tower in the city of Greywater. They are met by a student guarding the circle into a large circular room with many doors lining the white marble walls. Students and Teachers of all sorts travel to and from doorways. Some in civilian attire but most in the signature dress robes of the Tower with their chosen school of magic color accenting the robes.   Alcath asks Marwynn if she has heard of someone named Wobu or Bartus that were known to be Oculus makers. She says she will look into it.     Marwynn also informs the party that she has not uncovered much about the Book she took from them in Kucca. Most histories or information seem to be redacted and she is having trouble uncovering its origin. She and Arch Mage Cristobal de Tresana some of the few who are looking into the matter.   She then informs King Andran of their coming arrival to Ethios and sends them through the portal.

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