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An Audience with the Queen of Light

Diplomatic action

31/5 8:00
31/5 9:00

Shortly after the appointment of the Queen of Pixies, it is reported that Queen Titania is coming to visit the Court of Calabeag to give her blessing of the newly appointed Ruler. The Circle of Six are invited to the meeting and offered a task from the Faerie Queen Titania,

As the Circle of Six prepare to continue their journey in the Feywild a messenger comes to inform Queen Peoni the Queen of Light Titania is coming to give her blessing on the appointment of her as the new Queen of the Court of Calabeag. Queen Peoni invites them to stay and potentially meet Queen Titania. The party agrees to stay.   Soon the kingdom is in a fury to clean up and make ready for the arrival of Queen Titania. Our adventures decide to take a bath, clean up and rest. The bathhouse consists of a giant orb floating in the middle of a room. Caia uses mage hand to help everyone up to the water in order to wash up. Gilly takes the opportunity to launch herself as a cannonball into the orb. Brerenax tries to subtly sneak a peek at Aela but fails.   After everyone is cleaned up and rested the Six are invited to the Mushroom Gardens where Queen Titania has requested to have the meeting. The party is instructed on the protocols of meeting the Queen of Light. Do not make eye contact or gaze upon the Queen. Keep your head down (Her gaze can make mortals go mad) Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not approach the Queen unless invited to do so. If she invites you she will need to go into an avatar form in order for a mortal to gaze upon her. They also learn of the relationship Queen Titania and King Oberon has had over the years. Queen Peoni takes the moment to speak to Brerenax and expresses her joy he is a champion of the Pixies and kisses him on the lips.   When the Queen arrives the grove of mushrooms fills with light. All the plants and people in attendance turn toward the Queen. Queen Titania and Peoni speak of what happened during the attempted cue of Drangea and the Unseelie Court. Titania then asks King Oberon what he thought of the story. Renebo the beast-man reveals his true form as King Oberon and smiles at Aela in recognition of his deception. The Queen asks to meet the Circle of Six and Queen Peoni introduces Brerenax as the leader. After a brief conversation and congratulations on a job well done the Queen asks Brerenax if the group could do a favor for her.   The Seelie and Unseelie court have been at odds in the section of the summer lands for eons. The main struggle is between the Court of Calabeag and the Dire Crow. Recently word has come to the Queen the Dire Crow has laid eggs and if the offspring were to hatch it would turn the tide of the conflict in favor of the Unseelie in this area. The party is to travel where the land bleeds of lava and destroy the eggs of the Dire Crow and if possible kill the Dire Crow. King Oberon says he has slain her many time but it is only permanent if a mortal is to do the deed. If they do this Queen Titania will owe them a single favor. The Circle of Six agree and with Captian Bulba as their guide head deep into the Ceder Mountains to battle with the Dire Crow.

Related Location
Thelanis - The Feywild
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)