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Queen Titania - The Summer Queen

The Summer Queen, The Queen of Light, Faerie Queen Titania

Titania is the queen of the faeries and magic and rules The Seelie Court. The proud queen is also the head of the Summer Court and the Seelie Court.   She and King Oberon live in a massive forest complex known as the Tree Castle Senaliesse. It is located in the Great Tree and is home to her numerous minions. Each time someone has attempted to find its location in the Feywild has failed.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Titania's followers taught that she was a goddess of goodness and mercy. They saw her as a mother figure. Her holy symbol was a white diamond with a blue star.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Titania can appear as an Elf of immense beauty with immaculate cheekbones. Her skin is pale and her hair shimmered in White and Golden Sunlight. Her eyes glowed with Grey Blue Light.

Special abilities

Titania's very smile could cause crops to ripen, and her frown could trigger wildfires. Her gaze could cause mortals to go mad.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Titania was hard to classify personality-wise. She seemed flighty and frivolous to some, but in truth, she was a brilliant strategist both in court and on a battlefield. She had a dry sense of humor and could be very pragmatic when needed. It was almost impossible to make her angry, but if a truly despicable act roused her ire, the perpetrator would be faced with the most powerful wrath!

Personality Characteristics


Titania watched over all fey beings, be they dryads, pixies, satyrs, treants, unicorns, or any of the other nearly countless varieties, desiring that all such creatures could someday live in utter joy.


Contacts & Relations

Titania had a famous love affair with Oberon, the Green Lord, and it was he who built her palace. Some even called the couple husband and wife, while admitting that both took other lovers freely. At other times, they were also great enemies; at still other times, they were both lover and foe at the same time.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Titania's palace is Senaliesse, where she held her Summer Court. Her throne room was overflowing with flowers, water fountains, and fine silks, and faeries flitted all about. Mortal bards and playwrights often perform for her.
Current Residence
Glowing Grey Blue
Shimmers like sunlight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Faerie Queen, Leader of the Seelie Fey
Aligned Organization

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