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Professor Argyle Burrows

Professor Argyle Burrows

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Argyle Burrows is a man of medium height, with medium length brown hair and pale skin. He has a sharp, angular face that exudes intelligence and arrogance. His posture is rigid and proper, and he dresses in expensive, tailored clothing that suggests a wealthy upbringing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Argyle Burrows was born into a wealthy family with a long history of academic and scientific achievement. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for learning and a voracious appetite for knowledge. His family sent him to the best schools and tutors, where he excelled in mathematics, literature, and the natural sciences. It wasn’t until he discovered the world of magic that he found his true calling. He devoted himself to the study of arcane magic, becoming a prodigy in the field of magical research and experimentation. However, his success has also made him arrogant and dismissive of those he deems less intelligent or less accomplished. He can be difficult to work with, demanding perfection from himself and others, but those who earn his respect find him to be a loyal ally and a brilliant mind. Despite his flaws, Argyle is driven by a deep desire to unlock the secrets of the universe and to push the boundaries of scientific-magical knowledge.


Argyle Burrows excelled at Eldoria University, a prestigious institution in The White City renowned for its magical studies. His insatiable thirst for knowledge set him apart from his peers, as he delved deep into arcane theory and experimental magic.


He is currently employed as a reasearcher for Eldoria University.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creator of the Magi-Scope, which allows a normal person to detect magical anomolies or fields, without the use of af any other spells or other magical implements.

In the first few years of study at Eldoria University, his research and work with the Gnomes of Carriglen led to significant improvements to their railway systems and automatic levitators.

Mental Trauma

He was recently witness to a savage slaughter at the town of Dalledale. While he survived, the images, screams, and monstrosities he witness will leave permanent marks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Argyle Burrows is a certified genious in the field of scientific and magical studies.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is subject to philosophy. Often times, the opportunity cost of a moral decision outweighs the cost of violating that moral law.
Character Location
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Current Status
Studying anomalies in magical energies from atop the Dalledale windmill.
Current Location
Narrow, stormy blue
Shoulder length, thick, hazel, and well kept
Quotes & Catchphrases
Morality is subject to philosophy.
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Gnomish, others unknown.


Author's Notes

Character Interaction
In Dalledale, he made a deal with the party and they traded some blue crystals from Mystra’s shrine for a schematic to build his latest invention, a combination of astrolabe and sextant which identifies disturbances or irregularities in the weave of magic across the land, the Magi-Scope.

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