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Roderick Draven

Lord of Dalledale Keep, Roderick Draven

The lord of Dalledale keep, Roderick is a tall, regal-looking half-elf with piercing blue eyes and long, flowing chestnut hair. He wears polished plate armor emblazoned with the sigil of his family’s noble house, and carries a shield and a longsword at his side. Despite his imposing appearance, he has a kind and gentle demeanor, but is always direct and never puts off what needs to be done.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Roderick was born into a noble house of half-elves who had long ruled over a prosperous region in the kingdom. As the eldest son, he was expected to take over the family’s holdings and continue their legacy of wealth and power. However, Roderick had other ideas. He felt a calling to a higher purpose, one that didn’t involve exploiting his people for profit. He left his family’s estate and set out on a quest to do good in the world, eventually finding his way to Dalledale, a new settlement intended to be a trade center for the region. He saw an opportunity to use his family’s wealth and influence for a greater good, and offered to help fund the construction of the keep and act as its lord. He uses his position to ensure fair trade and protection for the merchants passing through the settlement, and to defend the local villagers from any threats that may arise. As a paladin, he is deeply committed to upholding justice and righteousness, and will stop at nothing to protect those in need. Despite his departure from his family’s traditions, he still maintains close ties with his kin, hoping to one day reconcile their differences and work together towards a brighter future.


Roderick benefits from the typical scholarly and fighting-sport education common among the nobility in and around The White City.


Roderick has amassed considerable weath from managing his families merchant contracts, which he leveraged to fund the founding of Dalledale as a new trade center in the region.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founder of Dalledale and Dalledale Keep.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was caught in a false flag opperation meant to convince the town of Dalledale to bolster their defences. He hired some of the town guards to steal and hide away town resources, creating artificial scarcity, and spreading false tales of caravan attacks, attempting to create panic so the townspeople woudl work harder on building a wall and town defenses. Once discovered, all the town supplies were returned.   The impact of this scandal was quickly overshadowed by it's obvious neccessity. Shortly after it was revealed, the town did indeed fall under attack by monsters and over half of the population was killed by strange undead and fleshy creatures which emerged from the surrounding forests.

Mental Trauma

During a major supply run to begin the founding of Dalledale, most of the caravan under Rodericks command were slaughtered by monsters brought by a mysterious fog. This is the most likely explanation for his general paranoid mentality when it comes to protecting his estate, and the people in Dalledale.

Morality & Philosophy

Roderick is a man who will do anything to accomplish what he believes is necessary. He will justify nearly any means, so long as the cost is justified by the end. He can break down any situation to basic tactical information and arithmetic.
Character Location
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Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Background: Noble
Current Residence
Dalledale Keep
Stormy Blue
Auburn, Ashy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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