Agreven Tescus

Captain of The Frozen Queen and the Son of The Lord of the 8th, Mephisto, Agreven Tescus is a man of great power. He wields magic in a manner reminescient of his Archdevil Father but in contrast to his father, who wields hellfire, Agreven wields unmelting Ice and has clashed with Mephisto personally, countering his fathers magic. He came to be the Captain of the Frozen Queen years ago when the previous Captain was felled while battling an Elder Kraken.
  Agreven wields a staff made of animal bone given to him by his unnamed mother, who practiced shamanistic magic. She blessed her son with protection from flame, even the dreaded Hellfire wielded by Mephisto. Agreven has wielded this immunity to great effect, not only by humilitaing his father in the eyes of Asmodeus but also by rescuing his crewmen from burning vessels, using his command of ice to shield them while letting the flames surround him.   He is known to be kind to his crewmen and sociable with other Captains, he respects Yin Lian and often antagonizes Hara Irongut, much to the dwarf's annoyance. He is friendly enough to those who offer he and his crew safe harbor and merciless to those that he leads raids upon.
Age: 538
Species: Mephistopheles Tiefling
Romantic Partners: Several Mortal Lovers, The Frozen Queen


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