Lord of the 8th, Mephisto

This power, beyond even Asmodeus and that Hack Casmodus, is mine to command! Once I master it, none will stand before me!

Lord of the Eighth Mephistopheles Alserean Edelos (a.k.a. Mephisto)

Mephisto is the Second Most Powerful of the Archdukes of the Nine Hells and sees himself as a Rival to Asmodeus. He was the most powerful Wizard in the history of the Hells until he was defeated in a duel by the Archdevil Casmodus. Now he seeks to prove his superiority over the Spymaster of Hell.   He rules the Layer of Cania, an icy cold realm filled with mountains of snow and frost. In this inhospitable realm Mephisto trains his use and manipulation of Hellfire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mephisto was born from an Ash pit in the newly formed realm of Baator after it was created by Asmodeus. Despite his smaller stature he proved himself to be a powerful combatant, wielding the first forms of Pyromancy and Arcane Magic that Mortalkind would eventually claim as their own.

He served Asmodeus for Millenia, willingly at first and then becoming less and less content with his circumstances he began to seek out new power to claim and grow in order to challenge his master. He has since challenged Asmodeus for control of the Nine Hells a total of 5 times, each challenge ending with him being cast back into the frozen realm of Cania.

Many have pondered why Asmodeus allows such a dangerous minion to remain alive, with many coming to the conclusion that Asmodeus views Mephisto as a worthy successor in the even that something should happen to the Lord of the 9th. Others think that Asmodeus simply enjoys having such powerful servants between himself and his many foes.   Since the start of the Purge War, Mephistopheles has been performing experiments with Hellfire. The flames of the Hells burn even normal and other magical flames and it is highly volatile. In his experiments he has managed to acheive some degree of control of the black flames and has imbued his own spawn with some measure of power over them. Agreven Tescus and Ashara Andronas have both demonstrated control of such flames, with Agreven casting them aside and Ashara embracing them to ward of the disease known as the White Blight.   With Ashara now returned to his grasp with her death in the mortal realm he stands poised to extract the secrets of her control over the flames, whether she allows him to or not.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Red
494 lbs.


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