Alansa Trego

Harlequin Fey. Former Archfey cast out by their fellows. They have overthrown Adrian Kaesen and assumed his place. Hueg Vandalsh has partnered with them to take revenge upon the Fey.   Alansa was once an Archfey of Titania's Court and was cast out following their murder of another of their kind. Stripped of Power they sought out the means to fight back against this act. Armed with weapons taken from other slain Fey in their wanderings and using knowledge gained from their time in the Mortal Realm, Alansa is among the most dangerous of the Fey as they have broken their "rules" and are no longer bound to follow the rules of the Fey.   They can steal the form of others, though the target must remain alive for this to work.
Age: ????? (Assumed to be be pre Purge War, so at least 12,000) Species: Fey Harlequin, Former Archfey Occupation: Assassin and Imposter


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