Erin Duskborn

I am now one. Thanks to his last act I have a home and family. I will not go back to a vagabond existence. I will protect my Family, no matter how.

Archfey Erin Alansa Duskborn-Crisvin- Trejo (a.k.a. The One of a Thousand Faces)

The Shapeshifting Progenitor of the Changelings and one of the Surviving Gods of the Purge War.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

They seek to cause chaos and stir up the plans of Fate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The One with No Face was originally a changeling of the Winter Fey, meant to replace a human child. They were never used for this purpose as they were pulled into a rift into the Divine Spring and granted divinity. They then went on a Rampage, as they destroyed the Fey Grove that they had been born into. After that display of destruction they made their way across the Winter Court's Realm.   Eventually they found themself on the Material Plane in the midst of the Purge War. They mostly just wandered their way around, exploring and seeing what it was they could find. As they did so their form changed to a more familiar creature that resembled the Changelings of Today. They felled any who came across their path that attempted to stop them in their Wanderings.   It is unknown just how many they killed during their wanderings but it is estimated to have been far more than most of the Gods. Numerous Old World Cities were found with their inhabitants slain and the structures undamaged, all in the path of The One. At some point they went from mere wandering Proto God to a True God, though they lacked a Divine Realm and simply continued their travels unbothered.   Eventually they began to stop killing and instead focused on the Mortals that still lived. They had a few Children, the First of the Changelings and thought of how much chaos a whole race of Shapeshifters could cause in the world. They very much enjoyed the Idea and so they used their Divine Power of Foresight to see where and when they could leave children for maximum derailing of Fate and Order. They oppose Order and Law, preffering Freedom and Chaos to all else. They generally only return to see their Children who have made a name for themselves.   They disappeared after the End of the Purge War to be with the Archfey they fell in love with, Galland Crisvin, and stayed with him for a long while. When they realized they were with Child they panicked and after the child's birth they spirited it away to the Feywild. This caused a schism between the two and cast the One adrift again. They traveled and changed, viewing their existence as a punishment. They aided the child in reuniting with their father and vanished for a long while. When their Child was grown they approached them and their children to attempt to make amends of a sort and after many trials they earned some degree of trust from their Child, Fel Queen Quillima Duskborn.   When Quillima attempted to journey to the Sunfire Archipelago and meet with her father, the One with no face, under the alias they used when they were with Galland, accompanied them. After discussion and explanation, Galland accepted her return and quietly celebrated the return of his love and his daughter. When he and his crew were on route to The Darklands to aid the Chaotic Seven, Quillima was offered a choice between her parents and she chose to save The One with No Face. Galland shot the God before he was taken and it was revealed he gave a signifigant portion of his power to them, granting them form and new power. Now calling themselves Erin Duskborn, She seeks to aid her daughter in her mission and protect her family.


Altus Kaesen


Towards Erin Duskborn


Erin Duskborn


Towards Altus Kaesen


Erin Duskborn

Lover (Vital)

Towards Galland Crisvin



Galland Crisvin


Towards Erin Duskborn



"Of all the Purge War Gods, only two truly scare me. Malgeron for the obvious reasons and The One with No Face. They care not for the consequences of their actions and they do not follow any plan or logic, only what seems most interesting at the time. I have never seen them fight and I hope I never do, for they could be the strongest of all Gods." -Esther Bitteroot, Recorded in the Black Monastery by The Lord of Secrets
Divine Classification
True God
Chaotic Good
12,872 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Alansa Trego
Galland Crisvin (Lover)
Black and Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unnaturually flawless Pale skin
100 lbs.
Themself/Galland Crisvin


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