Adrian Kaesen

Noble Lord of Casterian Valley. He is currently imprisoned beneath the Keep, kept only barely alive in order for Alansa Tegro to keep up their facade of him.   Adrian is the son of Lord Altus Kaesen, the late Lord of Casterian Valley who sadly fell to The White Blight in the first wave of infections. Adrian was known to be a benevolent and kind Lord who cares for his people and has kept dealings with the Fey neighbors amicable. He is a skilled Duelist and a practioner of bardic magic as he had studied at the Roseweald Bard College and his flattery has ingratiated him to the Dragons who nest in the nearby mountains.   He is the child of Altus Kaesen and The One with No Face. His father was aware of his partners true nature but vowed to raise their child to the best of his ability. Adrian for his part rarely makes use of his innate abilities, instead using his nature to augment his speechcraft.
Age: 25 Species: Changeling Occupation: Noble Lord of Casterian Valley


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