Alariel, The Heart of Heaven

I'm sorry Zorei. I am so sorry. If there were another way, I would take it. But I will ask one final thing of you, my love. Live. For the both of us.

Second among the Archangels, Savior of the Light Alariel of the Everflame

The first of the Female Archangels, and the Current host of the Light of the Heavens.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alariel was one of the first two Archangels born of the Light of the Heavens. She and her twin Brother Aaravos were the first beings to walk in Celestia and when their sibling Archangels emerged the two eldest took charge. While Aaravos directed the others and organized the Heavens, Alariel was a free spirit and took it upon herself to explore the realm into which they had been born. When her Angelic host emerged from the light, they aided her in this endeavor, following in their Archangel's footsteps they explored the far corners of Celestia. Alariel's Second in Command, Zorei, was her constant companion as the two flew to the furthest reaches of Celestia.   When the Angels met the Demons of the Abyss both sides attempted to exist in peace but the two sides had very different understandings of what that entailed. It was inevitable that violence broke out and eventually flared into a full fledged war between the two sides. Alariel wished for peace, she hated to see her brothers and sisters cut down only to be reborn and rejoin the fight but she joined the fray regardless. Despite her opposition to the war, she was a no less brutal participant in the fighting. Her powers were over light and flame and she made extensive use of these to smite her enemies.   When the Devilkin emerged from the blood of the fallen demons and angels, Alariel did not trust them and this proved to be well founded. When Asmodeus managed to slip into the High Heavens and wound the Light of the Heavens at the same time his servants damaged the Heart of the Abyss, Alariel and Zorei, having recently been bested by the Two of the Demon Princes, were the only two who could stand against the Devil and his Pit Fiends. Alariel allowed her essence to fuel the Light of the Heavens while Zorei stood against Asmodeus and his servants, battling them for three days until reinforcements arrived to relieve her. As Archangel Caravos adminstered healing to the Host Commander, it is said that the only thing Zorei spoke of was her worry for Alariel. But there was nothing left of the Archangel, her body destroyed and her soul empowering the Primordial entity to keep it alive and well. Since that day Zorei has barely left the Light of the Heavens, hoping against all hope that Alariel will return.


Alariel took Zorei as her partner but it remains unknown if any others had ever piqued her interest or if she had an interest only in the Silver Winged Angel.


Alariel, The Heart of Heaven


Towards Zorie of the Second Host


Zorie of the Second Host


Towards Alariel, The Heart of Heaven


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
100,000 MPT
Date of Birth
1st of Feyrune
0 PW 4500 EP 4500 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born from the Light of the Heavens Alongside Aaravos
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed herself to sustain the Light of the Heavens
Mount Celestia
Place of Death
Mount Celestia
Golden Yellow
Fiery Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
145 lbs.
The Light of the Heavens


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