Zorie of the Second Host

She's gone and there is nothing for me in death. So I will serve and fight until the bitter end.

Commander of the Second Angelic Host of Mount Celestia and Herald of Aariel, Zorie of Silver Wings (a.k.a. Little Zorie)

Commander of the Second Angelic Host of Celestia and, Formerly, the Herald of Archangel Ariel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When she first emerged from the Light of Heaven, Zorie was naught more than a simple Angel with the desire to serve Archangel Alariel, as all of the Angels who became Host Commanders were. She swore her service to the Eldest of the Archangel sisters and served with duty and dignity for many years. As the Angels explored their domain of Celestia, Alariel was at the head of the efforts to map and discover all the places of import upon the Celestial Mountain and Zorie was her constant companion.

The Pair would often scout ahead for the bulk of their Angelic Host and they would be found sitting together overlooking the beautiful scenery of the Heavens. It took only two decades of this eager exploration for Zorie to realize she held feelings for Alariel beyond the scope of her duties as Host Commander. It would take several more before she brought voice to these feelings, fearing that she would be stripped of her rank and cast aside. To her surprise Alariel responded not with condemnation but a simple kiss in answer of Zorie's feelings. The two carried on a private relationship in secret before they were discovered and forced to reveal themselves.

Many of Alariel's fellow Archangels felt this was a breach of duty and that Zorie should be punished for 'corrupting' one of them. However, when the matter was put to a vote Eight of the Archangels sided with Alariel and Zorie, those being Alariel herself, Aaravos, Caravos, Faravos, Garavos, Nariel, Sariel and Zariel. The matter was dropped and the two were allowed to continue their relationship, only now in public view. The two were often very reserved when they were not in private and unless they were among only their host, they would engage in little of signs of affection.

When the War with the Demons began, Alariel and Zorie were a near constant sight upon the battlefield. When the Host Commander distinguished herself by matching steel with a Demon Prince, Alariel named her her herald, much to the Outrage of most of her kin. To name someone she was personally involved with her Herald was a clear sign of favoritism they cried. But Alariel's Angelic Host agreed with their Archangel's decision, as Zorie had time and again proven her skill in battle to be far above any of their number.

When the Devils launched their attack against the Light of Heaven, Zorie and Alariel were the only two present and they stood against Asmodeus and his Pit fiends. When Asmodeus successfully damaged the Light of Heaven and the entity began to weaken and Celestia with it, Alariel rushed to its aid as her twin brother unknowingly rushed to the Heart of the Abyss at the same moment. There was no time for goodbyes, only a brief exchange as Alariel gave Zorie her final order: Live. When Alariel's body disappeared into the Light Zorie stood in defense of the entity against Asmodeus and his servants. For three days she clashed with them alone and it was Alariel's spear in her hands that inflicted the wounds upon his flesh, those that have continued to bleed in the millennia since their clash.

When the other Archangels returned they found Zorie able to stand only by bracing herself against her spear, Asmodeus himself having fled early in the clash while his Devilish servants attacked the Angel. Archangel Caravos was the one to adminster aid to her and was the only one to hear her pleas for Alariel to return.

In the time since, Zorie has maintained the Second Angelic Host as they have been barred from entering battle without an Archangel to lead them and the Light of Heaven creating no new Archangels in the time since. She has developed a bitterness towards Baravos and the other Archangels who have kept them from performing the duties they were created for and has, in secret, been making journeys to the Material Plane. While she cannot fight or wield her power on these Journeys, she does offer healing or peace to the sick or wounded she comes across. She has developed an interest in Mortal Fiction and has an extensive collection of both Modern and Old World romance novels.


Being born from the Light of Heaven shortly after the creation of the Archangels, Zorie existed long before the concept of Sexuality has existed. But she maintains an exclusive interest in women, though she has not made any attempts to engage with another since Alariel's sacrifice.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Zorie stood alone when Alariel sacrificed herself, the Devil God Asmodeus attempted to stop and kill the Archangel before her Sacrifice could restore the light and he was held at bay by Zorie. For three days she stood alone before reinforcements arrived and drove Asmodeus and his Pit Fiends back. Zorie suffered grievous injuries from this battle, even with the greatest healers of Celestia it took her nearly five decades to fully recover from her injuries.

Mental Trauma

She was the sole witness to Aariel's sacrifice and the event has left its mark upon Zorie. She has developed an immense interest in Mortal Romance stories and it seems this obsession stems partially from her lonelieness following Aariel's death.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Zore has developed a not insubstantial Obsession with Mortal Romance Novels, Adult Oriented Tomes in particular

Virtues & Personality perks

Zorie is among the most Loyal and Dedicated Angels of Mount Celestia, though some would dispute this fact as she is not Loyal to the Archangels or to the Light of Heaven but only to her Archangel and her Host. Since Aariel's sacrifice she has maintained a near constant vigil over the Light, hoping against all Logic that her Archangel would return to her.

Besides her Loyalty, Zorie has been praised for her ability to maintain the Second Angelic Host without an Archangel to unite them. She has kept the Host lergely intact and they have stockpiled supplies in preparation for the Day they would be permitted to join battle once more, under Zorie's leadership.

Vices & Personality flaws

Zorie suffers from Depression following Aariel's sacrifice. She has never truly recovered from watching her love and Leader sacrifice herself and it is unlikely she ever will.

Besides that she also doubts herself despite her numerous accomplishments.


Alariel, The Heart of Heaven


Towards Zorie of the Second Host


Zorie of the Second Host


Towards Alariel, The Heart of Heaven


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Status
Awaiting a new Leader
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Herald of Aariel
Commander of the Second Heavenly Host
First of the Lovestruck
The First Broken Heart
The Silver Angel
Little Zorie
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
120 lbs.
The Light of Heaven
Known Languages


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