Argen Elestos

Fyri! No! No no no no... I WILL KILL YOU FOR THAT! - Argen Elestos following Fyrana's death at the hands of Malcanthet.

Leader Argen Eluthia Alestos

A Female Half Elf from the Sunfire Archipelago and the individual in charge of the Sect of Sanity when Gattaxus Void is not present. She is a capable negotiator and utterly loyal to the Sect of Sanity. She is perhaps the most dangerous member of the Sect of Sanity and is the one to fight should there be a need for it, her skills with daggers she keeps hidden on her person is quite fearsome, though she prefers to end things amicably or with new cultists joining the ranks.   She has a pet Pseudo Dragon named Tipith who accompanies her everywhere.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Argen has become more capable over the last few months of her life, following her abduction and imprisonment in The Roost and her month of torture at the hands of Malcanthet. She has gone from simple charming Cult Leader to deadly enforcer and protector. She has expanded her power with aid from multiple Elder Gods while her Master was unreachable and has become more dangerous as a result. With Pacts struck with Four different entities, Argen walks a fine line while still serving Gattaxus as Leader of the Sect of Sanity.   She and the former Succubus Fyrana have been in a relationship since shortly after Gattaxus' death and following Fyrana being slain by Malcanthet the Half Elf unleashed her wrath upon the Demon Lord, injuring the Demoness but not enough to stop her attack against the cult. This act earned her the Succubus' wrath and Argen suffered the most of all the members of the Sect of Sanity at her hands. Following her recovery, Argen has reached out to The Elder Goddess of Death, Lerine, and taken up limited Power over the souls of the departed in the form of becoming a Soulknife, a practice she has been teaching to Trem.   She has recovered from the wounds she recieved at the hands of Malcanthet and now spends her days leading the remaining cultists in their worship of Gattaxus. She has ceased recruiting and now focuses on her own abilities, seeking to protect her people from any others that may threaten them. Fyrana watches over her and continues to be a voice of Dissent within Gattaxus' temple, and Argen does not stop her.




Fyrana the Lovestruck

Partner (Vital)

Towards Argen Elestos



Argen Elestos

Partner (Important)

Towards Fyrana the Lovestruck




The Relationship between Fyrana and Argen started following Gattaxus' Death during his battle with High Lord Lukrag. Following his death Fyrana's enchantment was broken and she was no longer under Gattaxus' spell. She had been meaning to leave when Argen begged her to stay to help care for the refugees, specifically among the cult. Fyrana agreed under the condition that Argen help her feed, as Succubi draw nourshiment from Emotion and ecstasy. Argen agreed and the two carried on in secret for Several Months until the revival of the Chaotic Seven.   With Argen no longer having to assume direct leadership over the Cult members, and her having no further obligation to feed Fyrana, the Succubus began to prepare to leave once more. This time Argen appealed to the Succubus in a more personal manner and Fyrana found she could not leave, not by enchantment but by the pain leaving would cause them both.   Fyrana has continued to reside within Gattaxus' Temple, usually as a voice of dissent among the cult members as she harbors no good will towards the Elder Spawn that ensnared her mind once already. She does however keep herself in check at Argen's behest.   Following her death at the hands of Malcanthet when the Demon Lord arrived at the Temple to torture the Cult, Fyrana has taken to training in matters of martial skill and magical protection, to ensure she is not so easily bested again.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

While Argen is still dedicated to the Cult and Fyrana is very much against the group, the two do care for each other and enjoy much of the same activities outside of the Sect of Sanity.   While she may not have respect for the Cult, Fyrana is interested in the study of the Eldritch and the otherworldly, such that she has begun attempting to commune with the Elder Gods on her own, with little notable success.   Argen has continued to teach her, as the Lead Cultist did, during the time that Gattaxus' was lost to her, turn to the other Elder Gods for power. Argen is drawing from the power of multiple Patrons, including the trio of Lerine, Calden and Salo. Though her primary focus is always her Master in Gattaxus Void, she is a conduit for the other Elder Gods to view her world.

Legal Status

Officially Partners, No Legal Standing

Class: Warlock, Great Old One Patron Pact of the Talisman: Level 8, Rogue Soulknife: Level 3
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Leader of the Sect of Sanity
Shoulder Length Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
117 lbs.
The Elder Goddess of Death Lerine


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