Fyrana the Lovestruck

Gattaxus' I swear that if anything happens to her I will annihilate you and then make my way to the Far Realm to ensure you and your father never poison another soul again!

The Lovestruck, Fyrana Alestos (a.k.a. Fyri)

A Succubus who has been made to be madly in love with Gattaxus Void.   Fyrana is a Succubus hailing from the Nessus, as she is one of the numerous Children of Mezyss, Consort of Asmodeus. Being one child among thousands has led to many of the Succubi of the Nine Hells to try and find some way to distinguish themselves, to catch the attention of either of their parents. Some of her Sisters have attempted to become Consorts to other Archdevils but with mixed results, others attempt to find powerful mortals to bring under their control. Very few of her thousands of Siblings have managed to earn either of their parents praise.   Fyrana is among the Youngest Generation of these Succubi and she has as of yet failed to achieve anything of note. She had been dwelling on the layer of Avernus in an attempt to help stall the tide of Demons that constantly invade the Plane as a scout but had nary a chance to perform her duties before being summoned.

Physical Description

Body Features

Following her removal of her infernal status, Fyrana has assumed a vastly different appearance, her red skin has turned pale white and her hair has become jet black. Her wings have turned from their scaled fiendish form to White and gray feathers, a change she welcomes in the cold climes of the Bleakstone Mountains. Notably her horns split during the transformation and now she features two distinct pairs of horns rather than the single set with which she has been accustomed.

Apparel & Accessories

She has a Familiar named Fenris that takes the form of a winged wolf. Any who harm her familiar or Argen's Pseudodragon will meet the full force of this Vengeful Hunter.

Specialized Equipment

She wields a Weapon of Shadow from the Raven Matron that may take the form of either a Dueling Sword or a Longbow, her pact bound weapon known as Fatecutter. She has taken to dispatching enemies with her new weapon who approach the keep with ill intent at her mistress' behest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fyrana's life has taken a turn over the last year, she had been an aspiring scout in the Legions of Avernus until she had been summoned by Gattaxus Void. After his death and the breaking of the enchantment upon her mind, she was compelled to stay by the young half elf Argen, who she developed true feelings for over the following months.   After arriving at Dragon's Claim Keep she lounged amonst the Cult members and cared only for her wonderful partner's safety, viewing herself as powerful enough to protect Argen. She was proven gravely wrong when the Demon Lord Malcanthet arrived at the Temple and slew her with nary a thought, sending Fyrana back to Nessus. During her revival she was Brutalized by her mother for abandoning her post and falling out of contact, enough so that she was scarred by the Elder Succubus, marked for death should she ever return to the nine hells. She cast off her parent's inherent power with the aid of Esther Bitteroot, stripping herself of their immortal blood.   Now a vigilant protector of Argen and those of the Sect of Sanity, Fyrana has been adjusting to her life among mortal kind slowly but surely. She retains some of her attributes as a Succubus but must now consume food and drink and rest as mortals do. She struck a bargain with the Raven Matron for some measure of Protection against her former family in exchange for service of the Elder Goddess of Fate.   She continues to be a voice of dissent within the Sect of Sanity, boasting instead about the powers of the Raven Matron. She jealously guards Argen, though at the Half Elf's request she has stopped glaring at those who simply engage her in conversation. When not within the Temple of Gattaxus, she has been seen within the Starlight Grove, practicing her skills alongside Janni Kessler, Onvyr Clearspring and Nemri Duskborn. She does enjoy hunting and will accompany the other hunters frequently.

Gender Identity

While Fyrana retains the ability to assume an Incubus esque form at will she does not enjoy doing so, prefering her normal body over the larger and bulkier body of her more masculine form. This has not stopped her from using this form at Argen's request or to approach those who know her feminine face.




Fyrana the Lovestruck

Partner (Vital)

Towards Argen Elestos



Argen Elestos

Partner (Important)

Towards Fyrana the Lovestruck




The Relationship between Fyrana and Argen started following Gattaxus' Death during his battle with High Lord Lukrag. Following his death Fyrana's enchantment was broken and she was no longer under Gattaxus' spell. She had been meaning to leave when Argen begged her to stay to help care for the refugees, specifically among the cult. Fyrana agreed under the condition that Argen help her feed, as Succubi draw nourshiment from Emotion and ecstasy. Argen agreed and the two carried on in secret for Several Months until the revival of the Chaotic Seven.   With Argen no longer having to assume direct leadership over the Cult members, and her having no further obligation to feed Fyrana, the Succubus began to prepare to leave once more. This time Argen appealed to the Succubus in a more personal manner and Fyrana found she could not leave, not by enchantment but by the pain leaving would cause them both.   Fyrana has continued to reside within Gattaxus' Temple, usually as a voice of dissent among the cult members as she harbors no good will towards the Elder Spawn that ensnared her mind once already. She does however keep herself in check at Argen's behest.   Following her death at the hands of Malcanthet when the Demon Lord arrived at the Temple to torture the Cult, Fyrana has taken to training in matters of martial skill and magical protection, to ensure she is not so easily bested again.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

While Argen is still dedicated to the Cult and Fyrana is very much against the group, the two do care for each other and enjoy much of the same activities outside of the Sect of Sanity.   While she may not have respect for the Cult, Fyrana is interested in the study of the Eldritch and the otherworldly, such that she has begun attempting to commune with the Elder Gods on her own, with little notable success.   Argen has continued to teach her, as the Lead Cultist did, during the time that Gattaxus' was lost to her, turn to the other Elder Gods for power. Argen is drawing from the power of multiple Patrons, including the trio of Lerine, Calden and Salo. Though her primary focus is always her Master in Gattaxus Void, she is a conduit for the other Elder Gods to view her world.

Legal Status

Officially Partners, No Legal Standing

Class: Swarm Keeper Ranger: Level 7, Warlock Patron Hexblade (The Raven Matron) Pact of the Chain: Level 5
Lawful Neutral
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Malcanthet, revived in Nessus and returned to the Keep
Argen Elestos (Partner)
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow White
145 lbs.


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