Azerian, The Hand of Rot

The Archdruid of Rot who would become Mazerath after a fated battle with Vecna, God of Secrets.   Azerian was born in a time when the Elven Races still lived upon the Material Plane and interacted with the other races, he was raised in a druidic enclave within a forest known as the Deadwood. During his younger years he was taught the ways of Druidic magic and the Circle that his family were members of, The Circle of Rot, who believed that Rot and Decay served a greater purpose in the cycle of nature. He was 105 years old when he recieved his title of Full member of the Circle and began his wanderings. It was not until he was Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven that he would begin to make a name for himself alongside the knight Ziel Viendal and the Death Cleric Plev.   After meeting these two Azerian would journey with them until the trio were hired to remove a group of Bandits from a Fortress they had taken over. They were joined by a duo, a wizard and an assassin who had been traveling together. The group of Five laid waste to the bandits within and began travelign together. As they traveled Azerian and Ziel, who had been having an ongoing affair, began to drift apart. Where Ziel fell in love with the Assassin Messaria, Azerian found himself alone until he met the human woman Wisteria Eveningtide, a human druid who had joined the circle of Rot. During the time between his adventures they spent evermore time together and eventually had a child together. When the child was born, Azerian proposed to the group that the time of their adventures should cease after all, Caspian had become a Magister, Ziel and Messaria had their wedding and Plev had become the leader of their own church. The others agreed and during their last adventure the group was called upon to protect Caspian as he was made into an Arcanist, Which they agreed to do.   During the ritual they were attacked by servants of the Devil God, Asmodeus and the devils managed to interupt the ritual. As the magic went haywire Caspian attempted to teleport his friends to safety but ended up scattering them to the far corners of the planes, as the explosion sent shockwaves across the already weakened planes. Azerian struggled return to his home and settled in to his home within the Deadwood, convinced his friends had perished as his magic could not find them. He and Wisteria were wed in druidic fashion and they had two more children. Azerian defended his home from the rogue gods that threatened it and protected his family. He taught his children in druidic practices and when his daughter attempted to journey beyond the Deadwood she was blocked by the Lich God Vecna, who cast a spell of destruction that laid to waste the forest and with it, Azerian's Family and students.

Pushed beyond any mortal limit by his rage he dueled the God and the two ended up fighting to a draw, with Azerian cursed by the Lich and Vecna inflicted with Azerian's own Black Rot. The god fled and left Azerian among the dust of his home and Family.

And thus ends the tale of Azerian, The Hand of Rot. And begins the Tale of Mazerath the Transcendant.


Azerian, The Hand of Rot


Towards Messaria the Reaper

Messaria the Reaper


Towards Azerian, The Hand of Rot

Species: Wood Elf
Age: 357 (At the Time of his duel with Vecna)
Occupation: Archdruid of the Circle of Rot, Leader of the Dark Pillars
Romantic Partners: Zel Viendal, Wisteria Eveningtide (Wife)
Aliases: The Hand of Rot, Master of the Deadwood, Bane of Vecna, The Hopeless Romantic (By Caspian and Messaria)


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