Messaria the Reaper

You would cast me aside Azerian? MAzerath? WHOEVER YOU ARE?! Your armies will fall to my blade and then this world will join them!

Reaper Messaria von Zarovich

As the Reaper, Messaria stood as one of the most terrifying figures of the Purge War. Standing alongside Morgan she defended those under their care for 9,000 years by slaughtering all aggressors who tried to harm her charges. She earned the title of Reaper as the only god with a higher body count of Slain foes was Malgeron himself. This form of Messaria is nearly unrecognizable compared to her current self, The Reaper was a cruel and malicous persona, cultivated to be a heartless monster in order to show no mercy.   When the Purge War ended Messaria stripped herself down to her most core essence and rebuilt her form, one of the most taxing and difficult processes a God can Undergo. She remade herself into an Icon of Peace and Mercy, casting her violent and terrible nature off of herself. She gave her Scythe to one of her most devoted followers and recreated her Divine realm into the Idyllic Landscape it is today.   Were this form of Messaria to exist today, it is unknown the extent of the destruction she would create, as only a handful of Gods would be able to oppose such power and malice, Malgeron and Duna being the best examples.

Divine Domains

War and Death are her domains as they are the only domains that could sate her hunger for carnage.


Nox, the pale scythe she wields was formed of her own essence and is currently wielded by her Champion, Sanya Soren. This weapon had the power to stifle even the most potent magical healing and kill foes instantly.


Azerian, The Hand of Rot


Towards Messaria the Reaper

Messaria the Reaper


Towards Azerian, The Hand of Rot

Mazerath, God of Rot


Towards Messaria the Reaper

Messaria the Reaper


Towards Mazerath, God of Rot

Slain Gods during the Purge War: 971
Mortals killed during the Purge War: 8,000,000+
Divine Classification
Proto God
Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
Emerged from Messaria von Zarovich due to Grief and Madness


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