Casmodus, God of the Nine

Each and every one of you has a part to play in my Grand Design. It will take eons to complete but we shall have our Victory.

Lord of Nessus, Casmodus (a.k.a. Cazzy (By Rivals Klexia Andronas and the other former members of the Chaotic Seven))

The God of the Nine Hells and successor of Asmodeus, Casmodus is the Absolute Ruler of the Nine Realms of Baator and its undisputed God.

Divine Domains

Casmodus commands the Divine Domains of Fire, Metal, Magic, Secrecy, Knowledge, Perfection and Ambition.


While Casmodus keeps the Ruby Scepter of Asmodeus on hand, he does not make frequent use of its power. Instead he wields the 100 Blades of Avernus, a collection of 100 weapons that he can freely summon at will. When his followers please him or fulfill objectives they are granted one of these weapons for as long as they maintain his favor.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Casmodus seeks to rule over all creation, no matter how long it takes him to achieve it. He believes that only he can bring order to the Chaos of Life. His Great Plan supposedly would allow him to achieve this goal, though none but he know the details.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his true form, Casmodus is a Titan of Power and Presence, demonstrating to any who would oppose him the lengths they would need to achieve to threaten him.   When he does business with Mortals or other gods he most often takes the form of a young wizard, usually with their face obscured.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

He slew the former God of the Nine Hells alone as no more than a Duke of Hell and installed loyalists in each of the Archduke Positions within days of his takeover.

Morality & Philosophy

Casmodus holds Loyalty and Truth above all other aspects, despite what many would think of Devilkind. He expects Loyalty from his underlings and in return allows them to follow their whims as long as it does not oppose his own goals. He does not lie, he may omit truth and hide details but if he agrees to a deal he will honor it, and he expects the same of all of his followers. More than one of his mortal followers have met their end due to broken promises.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys watching the Progress of the Goddess Klexia Andronas, the two have maintained an amicable and even beneficial relationship since their Ascenions. Casmodus is a heavy supporter of the Preservation of Knowledge and the containment of secrets and so his Clerics and other followers will often be found aiding the Followers of the Goddess of Knowledge.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Ninth
The God of Hell
Lord of the Nine
The Great Architect
The Master of Plans
The Silver Tongued Master
Glowing Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Red/Purple
90'8" (Real Form) 5'2" (Human Form)

Articles under Casmodus, God of the Nine


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