Duna, The Shieldmother

Duna is the Orcish Goddess of Protection and a kind hearted goddess. She is chief opposer of her Husband, the Orc God Malgeron the Red Orc. She has followers all across the world, though she is not the most popular goddess in each region, she has potentialy the most followers on The Material Plane. Unlike her husband she has maintained her youthful appearance and she remains ever vigilant on Malgeron and the bindings that hold him. She is the mother of Morgan, God of Heroes and she has very openly expressed her support of Morgan and Messaria's "friendship".   She and her followers are fiercely protective and usually have more of a focus on defense. Each of her Paladins and clerics carry heavy tower shields. Her followers will help to defend villages or towns beset by threats and will commonly settle in rough patches to defend these settlements.


Malgeron the Red Orc


Towards Duna, The Shieldmother

Duna, The Shieldmother


Towards Malgeron the Red Orc



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