Morgan, God of Heroes

Morgan is a wandering god who leads the group known as the Company of Heroes. A collection of the greatest living warriors, wizards and adventures of each generation. He is often ridiculed by members of Temples and those who follow him are frequently denied safe harbor because of this. The one exception to this rule is the Temples of Messaria who welcome followers of Morgan with open arms.   Duna and Malgeron are his Parents and while he stands against his father, he disagrees with his mother's defensive ideology. He instead believes things should be approached as neccessary, not simply outlasting problems.   Morgan himself is an interesting case, he was a prominent god during the Purge War and he stood alongside Messaria the Reaper as her closest ally. When Messaria chose to remake herself as the Goddess of Peace he helped safeguard her. When Kothan attempted to have Messaria killed, Morgan gave much of his own Divine Power to keep her alive. Following this Morgan was weakened heavily, His Divine Plane collapsed and he could no longer fully manifest as his Divine Avatar, he had effectivley reduced himself to a Demigod.   So now he Wanders the Planes, assissting where he can, sparking heroism in those he meets and aiding his last "friend" in her goals as much as he can, always strengthing himself to face his Father in battle and defeat him.


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