
Ebony? If you pissed off that bastard I'm sorry but whatever you are tryin to keep em away from they're gonna get to it regardless.

Guildmaster of the Ivory Hawks, Ebony is a master thief who keeps their identity a closely guarded secret.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Whatever Ebony's true identity they are known as a master thief and an enemy to the rich. They harass the wealthy individuals of Kervalden to no end and despite numerous bounty hunters sent to kill them, they have managed to escape without any major incident. No one save Pandemos is aware of their true identity, and the Goddess only knows due to her request to see Ebony's face during their duel, which the thief honored.   Ebony has proven themselves an expert infiltrator and safebreaker as they have managed to steal more wealth from the Nobility of Moromel than they care to deal with, barring Vinalmo Efrezi whos vault is under such tight guard as to make it impossible. The wealth they steal is often found within the slums, in the hands of beggars and children as the Ivory Hawks are made of such individuals and they recruit through voluntary service only.   Most of the common folk have little to fear from Ebony or their guild of thieves, as they only target individuals with great wealth. Ebony's invitation to join the Shadow Council was met with fierce opposition but this was shouted down by Argent Redmane and Ragala Trevent who both view the Ivory Hawks as a positive force upon the city. Assassinations are often attempted upon Ebony following Council meetings but the thief is always one step ahead.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Non Binary
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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