Kervalden, The City of Blood

If you make an enemy of any city, Don't let it be Kervalden. The People there worship some crazy bloodsoaked angel, they scare me. - Quote from Archmage Kisearin of Roseweald

Capital City of the Continent of Moromel and home of the Bloody Valkariye and the Arena of Champions.


Humans (40,000) The largest group of a single race within the city, humans have been present since the founding of the city. They run most of the Guilds and orginizations within the city.   Elves (5,000) The Elves of Kervalden are those who have a distaste for Vinalmo Efrezi and choose to live apart from his rule. All variations of elves make their homes here with the exception of High Elves.   Halflings (2,000) The Halflings of Kervalden are a divisive bunch, with some choosing the leisurley lifestyle their kin have enjoyed for so long and others who choose to toss aside comforts and live as Warriors.   Leonin (4,000) The Warrior culture of the Lionfolk thrives here and many participate in the Arena as a trial of Adulthood. Their number are among the most frequent challengers of Pandemos within the arena.   Goliaths (2,000) A small section of the city is inhabited by a tribe of Golaiths who came to the city long ago to challenge Pandemos. After their chieftain lost to her they vowed to serve the city and the tribe continues that tradition to this day.   Tieflings (1,500) Almost all the Tieflings in the city are runaways from the Blackwall Province or from the Portal within leading to the City of Dis. They are almost all urchins and beggars, though most end up joining one of the Criminal Guilds by adulthood. They are also most frequently the ones to recieve a Blessing from Pandemos when she walks the city streets, and those who do most often end up in the Arena to issue their challenge to the goddess.   Aasimar (1,000) Some are direct children of Pandemos and others are distant descendants, though all bear some relation to her. They are treated with respect but not worshipped.


Currently the City is overseen by the Shadow Council, as they have been acting in place of a Royal since before the Purge War back in the time of the Old World, though their existence was only brought to light after a period of several hundred years into the Purge War.


Chief among the Defenses of the City is Pandemos, The Bloody Valkariye. She aids in the defence of the city alongside the brave defenders and is often instrumental in repelling enemy forces. Very few threats actually exist that truly threaten the city, namely it is members of the Blackwall Province that attempt to attack the City, along with their Devil Allies.

Guilds and Factions

The Redmanes - A Warriors Guild led by one of Pandemos' Children, Argent Redmane. He is the child of Pandemos and a Leonin named Guiles Redmane. The guild was formed by Argent after he returned from years of Adventuring and functions similar to the Moledar Adventurers Guild. Argent is the current LEader of the "Shadow Council" that manages the affairs of Kervalden while a King has yet to be crowned.   The Ivory Hawks - A Guild of Thieves, Cutpurses and Assassins, the Ivory Hawks are led by a Human known only as Ebony. They are allowed to persist based on their Leader's challenge and subsequent defeat of Pandemos within the arena. While they are a Guild of Illicit activity, they do target only marks outside the city and they are responsible for much of the City's Wealth. The Ivory Hawks are currently members of the "Shadow Council" that governs the City while there is no king upon the throne.   The Black Horns - Run by a group of Tieflings who felt ignored and downtrodden, this Guild composes the establishments that appeal to the Darker tastes of Mortals, mainly those of Brothels, Taverns and Gambling Halls. Their Leader, Rose Ronleaux, is a Tiefling woman who cares for her employees, though Coin always speaks louder. Rose is an accomplished knife master, having managed to dispatch three seperate assassins sent after her at once and having bested Pandemos in her younger years. She wears a Holy Symbol of Pandemos and is a member of the Shadow Council.   The Bloodguard - The Elite Guardsmen of the City, they are all Arena Challengers and only accept Paladins of Pandemos into their Ranks. They are led by a Human Woman named Ragala Trevent, a veteran paladin and honorable follower of Pandemos.


The city was the first permanent Settlement upon Moromel and after the arrival of Pandemos the city became a mainstay and eventually the Capital of the Continent. Following its establishment it was a hub of trade and travel between the three Coastal cities that eventually became the Capitals of the Duchys. As more trade passed through the roads the city grew and it became a frequent stop for adventurers, which led to the construction of the Coliseum and shortly after, the arrival of Pandemos.   With Pandemos' arrival the city blossomed as it was now a Safe Haven from threats with the might of a Goddess protecting it and adventurers wishing to test their strength against her journeyed far and wide to visit the city. After many years of growth and expansion the city crowned a King that the rulers of the three coastal provinces acknowleged and swore fealty to, earning each of them the title of Duke.   For a time within the Old World, Moromel was one of the most powerful regions of the World. Though their lack of interest in Magic did put them at a disadvantage compared to most, the raised heroes known across the Planes, the Greatest of which was Ziel Viendal, The Blackwall. Following the start of the Purge War the Continent grew far more dangerous as one of the Dukes was overthrown by Vinalmo Efrezi and his family was executed to prevent a "True Heir" from emerging. The Blackwall family suffered as their greatest child became the God of Tyrants and sought to rule the Hells instead of the family province. After Bane Tyranus placed Edmund Blackwall upon the throne of Castle Blackwall, the province became an enemy to Karvelden and the other dukes. The Domnel Family has continued and thrived but they are more interested in sailing the seas instead of ruling and thus a King has not emerged from the ranks of the Dukes in Millenia.

Points of interest

The Coliseum of Heroes is the main attraction to the City as a chance to battle a Goddess is a rare treat for many adventurers.


The city is built upon a rising plateau among the grasslands of The Province of Blood. A river stemming from a large Spring atop the Plateus runs through the City and a small port Village is located a few miles from the city itself. The surrounding Grasslands are worked by the common folk who run farms surrounding City and supply it with food for the populace. Rising up in the distance to the East and North are mountains that bar easy access from the Efrezi and Blackwall Provinces. These mountains are worked for Metals which are traded to the other Provinces.


The Climate of Kervalden is a mild generally pleasant one with temperatures never rising to high and often breezes blowing from the south. The area is prone to massive yearly storms that can last for days on end and cause extensive damage to the countryside.

Natural Resources

The Surrounding mountains provide access to stone and metals, while the surrounding Grasslands provide food and grain enough for all within the city.
Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Kervaldens or Blood Spawn as a derogatory term
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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