The Shadow Council

A Group of Thieves, Warriors, Paladins and Merchants. And somehow they manage a better job than the Damned Imperials? Who woulda guessed.

The Ruling Body of the city of Kervalden while the throne of the King lies unclaimed.


The Shadow Council recieved its name from when the Council did operate in the shadows, a group of nobles and influential figures within the city who, following the loss of their King and a new ruler failing to be chosen, decided to take the matters of organizing and keeping order within the city. While the organization has been filled with corrupt members during and since its founding, they do hold the city together, as evidenced by the fact that the city remained nearly unaffected by the Purge War overall.   Its members are chosen by the Head of Council and once a seat has been offered it cannot be reneged upon by a new Council Head. Each Council head must acquire votes from the other members and a new Council head must have at least half the council in their favor before they can be named as such. The most recent Head is Argent Redmane who managed to win over the Master Thief Ebony, who helped "arrange" a few accidents for sitting council members who disliked the young Aasimar. In the end the Council's size was reduced and Argent was named Council head in 4-3 vote with Argent, Rose Ronleaux, Ragala Trevent and Ebony Voting for the Aasimar to lead the Council.

Serve the People, without them we have nothing.

Founding Date
Year -1500
Geopolitical, City council
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories


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