
We bask in the light of our lady and work to keep the green earth she has given us.

The city of Everlight surrounds the roots of the Arch Tree Avense, the tree planted by Sarissa and given a piece of her Divine Essence to bless the surrounding area with fertile harvest and healing light. The city itself is layed out to give the great tree space to grow and thrive, with buildings being constructed far from the roots themselves, only allowing temporary structures and shrines to exist near the roots.   The city is home mostly to Halflings with other peoples who come seeking the peace that Everlight wishes to bring to the world at large. The residents are much more of a nature loving people than the denizens of the Roost or those of Gravehollow, they respect the natural world and coexist with it as much as possible. This is in part due to the fact that the Archdruid Council convenes within the Branches of Avense but also due to the fact that nature is bountiful and unrestrained in the wilder parts of the Nation. Elder Druidic spirits, known as Leshens, patrol the areas beyond civilization and will not harm those who show the natural world its due reverence and the people of Everlight are well aware of this. As a result, many of the roads leading to Everlight are rough and overgrown which can make travel difficult and time consuming, which while annoying for allies has made any advance by Imperial Forces into Everlight both time consuming and easily noticed. At one point the Empire did attempt to burn a path through Everlight only to be beset upon by a group of Elder Leshens, the most ancient of the Spirits, and lose nearly half of their invading force in a matter of minutes.   The City of Everlight is always abuzz with activity as the growing season and harvest seasons have no set time as they do in other nations, Everlight has a constant supply of fresh fruit and vegetables and the Halflings who live here have perfected the art of preparing dishes based on what is available, combining foods in new ways to craft dishes that make the mouth water. The city is often filled with the smells of baked goods or roasted vegetables.


Halflings: 5,000
Wood Elves: 2,000
Others: 8,000


The Leadership of the City of Everlight is composed of an Elected Minister and their council of Advisors. The Minister is almost always selected from among the Middle Aged members of the populace as they have the experience of life to draw from while not losing their grip due to their advanced age. If a Minister or one of the Advisors is found to be exploiting their position, they are usually introduced to the headsman's axe with swift efficiency.


The Majority of the city is composed of wooden structures, as mining ore would upturn many of the natural forests that surround the city. Only the buildings that require metal or stone to function, such as smithys, are constructed of such materials, and those are imported from the Roost or Foros.


The Roots - A collection of Shrines and small camps set up by pilgramaging druids and followers of Sarissa.   The Amber Silos - A group of siloes enchanted with Druidic Magics to preserve their contents providing a surplus of available food and making the thought of running out a mere faint thought in the back of the mind.   The Elder Conclave - A Meeting ground for Druidic Acolytes, this grove of ancient growth trees is where many a young druid has begun their journey. While the Archdruids are not regularly seen here, Elder Druids from all the Circles may be found here, encouraging potential acolytes and sharpening the young minds.   The Confectionist Square - The single greatest collection of culinary knowledge anywhere on the Material Plane resides within this open air Square. A Library of the the greatest chefs recipes is carefully maintained and preserved while living chefs prepare goods to be either enjoyed immediatley or sent to the neighboring kingdoms.
Large city


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