
She caught me in a trap. After that I kinda just... followed her home. We get along well now but she used to get so annoyed with me.

Finstra Leshver Rolgre (a.k.a. Finick)

A White Dragoness from the Northern Tundra, now Talivara Hasawari's constant companion and partner in crime.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Finick hatched to a pair of White Dragons within the Northern Wastes and she grew to be independent under them, as any White Dragon within the wastes does. By the time she was 30 she was capable of surviving on her own and just as well as only a few months later was her parents territory besest by Imperials and the pair of Dragons and their new hatchlings were slain by Imperial Wyrmhunters. Finick was pursued by their leader and succeeded in slaying the man, at the cost of grievous injury to herself. She fled to the East away from the Imperials and into the Wastes north of Moledar, she would have stopped sooner had it not been for the Platinum Dragon Bahamut driving her further west away from the domain of the Roost.   In the Moledarian Tundra she lived her life, hunting and claiming her own territory. She lived here until her 252nd year when she was cast out of her territory by an Ancient White Dragon who attempted to beat her into submission. While Finick escaped she was heavily injured and lost the entirety of her hoard. She fled south towards the mountains and after a week of recovering within the wilderness she was caught within a hunting snare set by Talivara Hasawari. Due to her injuries and hunger she was unable to escape the snare and when Talivara arrived to check the trap she begged the huntress to free her.   Tali did so and offered the Dragoness food and tended to her injuries. When Tali set out to continue her hunts, Finick followed her, merely watching. Tali spent two weeks in the mountains hunting and the Dragoness grew more and more curious about this humanoid creature, as she had only ever met Imperials and knew of the pain they had caused. She eventually followed Tali back to her village and she lurked upon the edges of the hamlet for weeks before one of the inhabitants attempted to drive her off. Tali came ot her defense and took the Dragoness into her home. Finick's wounds had become infected during her time outside the village, she knew not what plants could aid her in the mountains, only in her former home in the tundra. Tali and her mother, Eden Hasawari, helped Finick's wounds to properly heal and tried to send her on her way but were surprised to hear the Dragoness ask to stay. She offered her natural abilities as a hunter and a dragon in wxchange for allowing her to stay. After a brief debate, Eden allowed this and soon Finick and Talivara were inseperable friends.   Tali relied on the skills she had been taught as a child, those of stealth and marksmanship, while Finick preffered a much more blunt approach. With Eden guiding her she became proficient with weaponry aside from her claws and she preferred the combination of an Axe and Shield. She earned her keep by chopping wood for the northern village and her natural strength made felling and carrying trees a simple matter. In time she grew to be accepted by the Elves, though they did not celebrate her presence they no longer treated her with animosity.   In more recent months, Finick and Talivara have officially become involved and have frequently been seen together outside the village aside from Talivara's hunting trips. They had planned to drive off the Ancient that had ousted Finick from her old territory before Eden went missing. Following Eden's disappearance the duo set off to the south to locate Talivara's mother.




Towards Talivara Hasawari


Talivara Hasawari


Towards Finick


Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
1824 EP 950 Years old
Talivara Hasawari (Girlfriend)
Gray Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun Tanned
155 lbs.


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