Talivara Hasawari

I was free of him. Or so I thought. I will not abandon my mother to him and I aim to make sure he can never do this again. Are you with me Fin?

Former Imperial Citizen and now Imperial Fugitive, Talivara was taken from the Empire by her mother who has raised her in near total Isolation since.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Eden Hasawari and Eli Ashdew, Tali is the youngest of the Ashdew siblings and was Eli's hope to be the perfect weapon for him to wield against his rivals. He trained her harder and was more demanding of her than her elder siblings. He forced her to make use of her training far earlier than her siblings, killing her first target at the age of six. She was tasked with eliminating a minor noble who had been voicing concerns about the Empire's fraying peace with the Alliance. She returned to her father after having eliminated the target and having to dispose of several of his servants who had witnessed the act. For the mess she made of her first assignment she was punished upon her return and consoled only by her mother as both of her siblings had been given other similar assignments.   When Tali was Eight years old, her father grew frustrated with her inadequate performance during a training exercise and beat her to the point of requiring medical attention. Her mother attended her and resolved to escape with the child, fearing that it was too late to save Zefer and Ari from their Father's designs. She absconded with the injured child and fled in the night, with Eli catching her upon the edge of the city. The two dueled and both were heavily injured but Eden succeeded in escaping with Tali.   She fled as far east as Moledar and journeyed to the northern reaches at the border of the Black Crag mountains, to an Elven Village that had isolated itself from the peoples of the southern realm. Here Eden and her daughter settled in, cut off from the peoples of Moledar there was little chance of them being discovered. Talivara's time within the village after her inital recovery was one of misery, her human blood made her a target for hate by the Elves who viewed impurities in the blood with utter contempt. Eden was accepted fairly well and earned her place but Talivara was never accepted by the people of her new home. She spent much of her time in the wilds, hunting and traveling about the mountain forests. Her skills from her father's demanding training served her well in this but after learning what other children had experienced she grew to hate him and what he had taught her to be.   Tali and her mother shared a shaky relationship at first, with Tali viewing her mother as her kidnapper. Over time she understood that her mother had saved her from her father and the two grew closer in the years to come, both unlearning the training that had been instilled in them. While Tali cares for her mother she still harbors some resentment, the young Aasimar was alone for her youth with none to call a friend aside from her mother and she was nearly hated by her fellow villagers.   When Tali met the White Dragoness Finick, who had been caught in one of Tali's traps, she freed the dragon and tended to her wounds, in exchange for some conversation. The Aasimar had long wished for someone to speak with besides her mother and found such in the dragon, even if it was only for an evening. When Finick followed her back to her home however she attempted to ignore the dragon so as not to bring herself further ire from the village. When that failed and the villagers blamed tali for bringing a dragon to their doorstep, she defended Finick from them and stood between them and the dragon, taking the stance her fathe rhad taught her out of instinct. The Villagers were spared when Eden intervened in the quarrel and elected to take Finick under her care and promised that the dragoness would cause no trouble.   From then on Tali and Finick were a nearly inseperable duo, with Finicks ability of flight the two explored far afield from their village and braved many an adventure during the years they had together. In recent months the duo have become romantically involved and Tali has been thankful to have someone she can truly say she loves aside her mother. When Eden went missing the couple set off in search of her before being contacted by Eli Ashdew in the flesh.



While being mostly isolated for much of her life and only ever having a romantic interest in Finick, she has said that she finds any of Finick's form attractive.




Towards Talivara Hasawari


Talivara Hasawari


Towards Finick


Talivara Hasawari


Towards Zefer Ashdew


Zefer Ashdew


Towards Talivara Hasawari


Talivara Hasawari


Towards Ari Ashdew


Ari Ashdew


Towards Talivara Hasawari


Year of Birth
2061 EP 713 Years old
Finick (Girlfriend)
Zefer Ashdew (Sister)
Ari Ashdew (Brother)


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