Granlavex, The Golden Guardian

Go forth old friend, and see that my child lives on. I cannot watch over them but I can ensure they survive.

Granlavex (a.k.a. The Red Joker)

One of the Last Golden Dragons, Granlavex was slain only thirty years ago by Emperor Autrion, after he created an egg on his own. The Emperor faced the Dragon while he was still weakened from the process and slew him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Granlavex was born at the end of the Purge War, he grew up in the era of rebuilding and enjoyed a free life for several centuries before the Civil War between The Empire and The Alliance began. Following Autrion's purge of Dragons, a now orphaned Granlavex made his home in the western edge of the Kingdom of the Roost among the impassable mountain peaks. This isolated existence did not appeal to him and after nearly a century of Isolation he journey out into the world, not as a mighty dragon but a simple traveler and performer.   During his many years abroad he had many adventures, both great and small, and he wooed many of the young men and woman who joined him on his adventures. Though after so long abroad he eventually returned to his mountaintop home, now filled with mementos and trinkets of his adventurers and past lovers. He used his great draconic power to craft a single egg, he viewed it as his duty to ensure his kind survived. The process left him weakened but overjoyed to share this wonderful world with a child of his own. One of his longtime friends, The Archdruid Dandren, was present on the fateful day that an Armorclad form climbed the peak and stood in the entrance of the cave.   Emperor Autrion did battle with the Weakened Dragon while Dandren, under orders from Granlavex, fled with the egg. As he watched his child vanish with the Druid, Granlavex lunged at Autrion attempting to drag the Emperor from the mountaintop to his death on the ground below. Before he could however, the dragonslayer drove his blade into Granlavex's chest, piercing the dragon's heart as his form tumbled from the cave into the valley below. And so Granlavex's tale came to end, with him unable to so much as injure his murderer but his child in trusted hands.   Dandren returned later to find Granlavex's body absent from the area and his cave looted of all treasure and the rest burned and ruined.

Gender Identity

Granlavex was comfortable as both a man and woman in his humanoid form but preffered to be addressed as male in his draconic form.




Rone Eld, Elder God of Stars


Towards Granlavex, The Golden Guardian

Granlavex, The Golden Guardian


Towards Rone Eld, Elder God of Stars

Lawful Good
Current Status
2,156 at time of Death
Year of Death
2052 EP
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle with Emperor Autrion Haman
Lightning Blue
Long Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Scales
5'10 or 35'9"
125 lbs. or 20 Tons


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