
The Capital City of Graymark and the current home of The Beast of Greyfell. The city lies abandoned in the forests of Graymark as the Beast slaughters any creature that enters it. It is up against the Bleakstone Mountains and is built up onto the foothills, raising it above the surrounding forests, letting the survivors of the massacre view their home from afar but just out of reach. The city was home to around 2000 people before the massacre and it was a prosperous, if isolationist kingdom. It had continued to expand into the mountains and settle the rough wildlands there in but all that progress has been lost now. The building lie empty, entire sections of the city were consumed by flame in the panicked rush to escape the beast.   Brynn Byrne and Douglas Ashlan lead the survivors, though the two have very different ideas on how to reclaim their home.


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