The Beast of Greyfell

The Monstrous beast that slaughtered the Capital City of Graymark, it is a monstrously large creature, easily mistaken for a mere werewolf from a distance, this creature dwarfs all other Werebeasts in its size and power.   Standing as tall as a Storm Giant and covered in a thick hide this creature is unfazed by weapons be they steel, silver or magic. It's fur is thick and matted with dried blood, most likely remnants from its slaughter of the city and any fools who have attempted to reenter the city. It is strong enough to rip apart the stone walls of the city single-handedly and throw the ruined stone with surprising accuracy. Its form may appear that of a werewolf but closer inspection shows signs of other beasts mixed into its form. Crocodilian like scales can be seen where its fur is most thin, its back is humped like that of a might bear with arms to match. It's head is lupine in appearance but it's massive jaw is thicker and heavier than that of a wolf, suggesting a mixture of beasts were used to create this monstrosity.   The Beast seems to be bound to the city of Greyfell as it shows no interest in creatures until they step within the walls. When a creature enters the walls the beast tears out of the ruins of the castle and pursues them with supernatural precision. If a creature manages to leave the city walls it will be safe from the claws of the beast but the monster may throw objects if they remain within its sight. Once it can no longer see the intruder it returns towards the castle.


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