
Capital of Gravehollow and the site of Darke manor, The Gravehollow Academy of Necromancy and the primary entrance to The Grand Crypt. The city is filled Gothic Architecture and the citizens are active at all hours of the day, as a permanent haze hangs over the city making the only light available the green flames that burn in braziers throughout the city. While dark and oppressive to outsiders, the residents of Grimveil are often seen celebrating one occasion or another as most of the cities residents are Crypt Bound and therefore free to do as they please.   The city is Walled off from the surrounding countryside with only a few fringe communities outside the imposing walls, usually around the main gates. These communities burn Balefire to ward off the feral undead that roam the wilds and to protect their crops from said undead.   The Gravehollow Academy, founded by Lady Darke and run by an Archmage chosen by the staff of the Academy, sits along the City's eastern border allowing for access to the wilds for failed undead or rogue magics. Within the Academy many prospective students dwell, each being subjected to rigerous screening to ensure abuses of power are as rare as possible. Graduates are given the Option to become Grave Marchers or Overseers, Grave Marchers oversee day to day undead throughout the kingdom and Overseers command the more militant variations when the Kingdom is threatened. All willing Graduates are placed within The Grand Crypt beneath the Kingdom to be called upon in defense of the kingdom as Undead Mages. Despite rumors spread by those who dislike the study of Necromancy, not one graduate of Gravehollow has ever achieved Lichdom and the number who have attempted can be counted on one hand. Each who attempted was personally dealt with by their Archmage.   Darke manor rests on the north of the city, built atop the foot hills of the Dragons Teeth Mountains. Darke Manor is as impressive as any castle, with carved features that have stood since before the Purge War when Lady Darke inherited the Estate from her Father. It is a massive Manor house capable of housing 500 people for several weeks and it acts as the meeting grounds for delegates of the alliance when matters of interkingdom concern must be addressed. A collection of delegates are always present in some form here.   Within the center of the city lies the entrance to the Grand Crypt, the kingdom spanning underground tomb where all residents of Gravehollow are intered.
Population: 10,000 Living, ~8,000 Undead Other names for this city: The City of Balefire, The City of Green Flame
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