Aldusa Vaerima

I can stand a lot but that Demonic Bastard put me through my paces.... If we had kept going I think that might have been the end of me. Oh good I can sense Cian is back. Wonderful. Now I don't have to help make decisions. -Aldusa muttering to herself

Lady Aldusa Kereen Vaerima

The Heiress of House Verima and one of the "Second Generation" of vampires of Barovia. She has been raised to be the future leader of House Vaerima should anything befall her Father. She is Noble Vampire with skills that are excellent by mortal standards but still need work by Barovian Standards.   She is the Heiress of House Vaerima, the youngest of ten children the rest of her siblings were disposed of for being "Impure" in her father's words. Her mother was disposed of as well for her repeated failures to bring a suitable heir into the family, and so Aldusa was raised by her fathers servants. She excels in magics but is less adept than her father would like in the areas of swordplay and speechcraft.    She was sent on a mission against a group that earned Strahd's ire and tried and failed to eliminate them, earning her Father's displeasure for making him the laughing stock of the nobility. While she was laying in wait to reclaim the Artifact she lost when she was defeated, she found a young gentleman in the town she had chosen for her trap. He accepted her plan, saying he hated the idea of being trapped in the village for the rest of his life, and she turned him into a High Vampire and her Retainer, secretly a consort.   Following her father discovering her failure to not only kill her target but also her temporary loss of the Family Chalice and her taking a mere commoner for a Lover, her father had her lover executed and his coffin burned and nearly had Aldusa suffer the same fate before she managed to escape. After a lengthy chase she was unintentionally reunited with The Chaotic Seven, who she begged for help. After a lengthy deliberation they agreed and Aldusa was bound to Cian Lamplier by a Blood Rune, forced to follow his commands until his death or hers. Together they faced off against her Father and she succeeded in destroying him, taking his place and power as Head of the Vaerima Household.   She was left to her own devices for a time, her only order being that she was unable to feed upon any within the Keep or the surrounding area. She supported herself off of the blood of beasts and training herself in her own self control. Following the Chaotic Seven's journey into the Underdark to retrieve the Crystal Dragon Veneara, Aldusa found herself with unlikely company in the form of the Tiefling Bard, Hope Seyrun. The Tiefling found her fascinating and over the course of several weeks she managed to win over the Vampire. Despite Hope's aversion to intimacy from her past experiences, the two are quite close. When Aldusa was sent to Grimveil, Hope followed her eager to see what her partner was up to as well as smooth over any situations Aldusa may be able to get herself into.


Aldusa Vaerima

Wife (Vital)

Towards Hope Seyrun



Hope Seyrun

Wife (Important)

Towards Aldusa Vaerima



Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Being an Ambassador for Dragon's Claim Keep
Current Location
Date of Birth
30th of Nightfall
Year of Birth
1947 EP 827 Years old
Castle Vaermina within Barovia
Hope Seyrun (Wife)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Blood Red
Long Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
165 lbs.
Sarissa and Messaria


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