The City of Brass

The City of Brass was made by the Fire Giants shortly after the fall of the Giant Empire and later became a market hub for all peoples across the Planes. It was founded by the Archon of the Fire Giants, who still lives within the city, though he has become a recluse as his kind have drifted further and further from their old values.


Fire Giants: 500,000 Efreeti: 100,000 Tieflings: 75,000 Humans: 40,000 Dwarves: 39,000 Devils: 10,000 Genasi: 5,000 Goliaths: 1,000 Others: 800,000 (Mix of all nonlisted Peoples)


The Council of the 20 Iron Hearts is the governing body of the City. The Council is composed of the twenty wealthiest members of the city and they create the laws and oversee the maintenance of the infrastructure. Taxes are unheard of in this place and each Member either supplies their own wealth for projects or must convince the other members of the council to fund their endeavors, while individual buildings are maintained by their owners.   While most would assume Corrpution runs rampant in this system, as the Fire Giants are the main members of the council they abide by their own code and will sort out any who cause trouble. Almost certainly anyone on the council is well aware of what happens if they step out of line.   The Council does maintain a heavy guard across the city, composed mainly of the Tiefling, Fire Giant, Dwarven and Efreeti.


The City's mighty walls stand as tall as three Giants and are designed to be unscaleable, to such an extent that the Archdevil Zariel has come to inspect them herself so that her own fortresses might better repel the Demon threat within Avernus. Upon the Walls are situated Ballista, Catapults and in a few cases, Dwaven Cannons. The city is unassailable from the outside and within the ever patrolling guards make any force that could be snuck in useless as they will be crushed by sheer numbers.

Industry & Trade

As industry is concerned, the Smokestacks can make a


The city is a maze of metal plated streets and soaring towers, a testament to the Giants love of creation. They have constructed massive aqueducts to funnel the magma from the Sea of Fire to the forges of the Smokestacks. The magma is used by the Giants, Efreeti and Dwarves to craft wonders that other forges could only dream of.   The City's Districts are divided by moats of Magma the illuminate the city at night and slowly but constantly turn massive Giant Steel Water wheels which turn gears that operate clocktowers, gates and other mechanisms throughout the city.


The Eternal Light - District where the wealthiest and most influential residents live, Occupied almost exscusivley by Fire Giants although a few others have managed to gain residence.   The Smokestacks - The District where the forgemasters and other craftsman ply their trade, shaping some of the greatest weapons, armor and jewelry from across the planes.   The Iron Harbor - A set of docks upon the Sea of Fire, Fashioned from unmelting steel by the Fire Giants, these docks feature planar rifts at the edge of the harbor to allow passage from the Nine Hells.   The Ash Burrows - Along the edge of the city where the ash from the Sea of Fire settles, lie the Slums that house the Slaves of the City who's masters do not have the luxury of housing upon their own property. Most who inhabit this district contract black lung within weeks or months.   The Gilded Garden - The one section of the City Spared from the oppressive heat of the Plane, The Gilded Garden is owned and cared for by the Fire Giant Archon, Helgart Ulvag.   The Iron Wall Market - A series of shops and temporary stalls set up around the main Market.
  The Silver Rose Market - The Central Market and the Heart of the City, Anything can be found in this place, one need simply look hard enough. At the center of the Market there are constant auctions of Slaves at the Thornhold Pens.


The City contains a wealth of both manpower and trade goods. It is a common sight to find seasoned adventurers, many of whom enjoy being on the payroll of the various nobles within the city, be it as Enforcers or Bodyguards. When not being hired adventurers can be found visiting the city to equip themselves within the various emporiums of rare magic items and mastercrafted items from the Smokestacks.   Though to discount the sheer amount of goods found within the city is a grave mistake. Merchants of every trade and walk of life hope one day to open a storefront here, such is the wealth available within the Markets.


Helgart Unvag led his people to the Elemental Plane of Fire after the Storm Giants pronounced the end of the Giants Empire. He and his people dredged the ancient metals from beneath the Sea of Fire, pulling from the ruins of their Empire and creating a bastion for their people. And so it was for centuries, each of the Fire Giants pursuing their own creations and projects.

But eventually they grew restless, for they had no purpose they simply made things and that was not enough for some. So they ventured abroad and brought back visitors, and with each visitor the Bastion grew and expanded.... Further and Further it grew until it began to resemble the modern City of Brass. Helgart could no longer control his people and so he retreated to the heart of the Bastion and continued to care for his project.... A garden filled with every type of flower that shown with the gleam of gold, a final memorial to his Wife, the Cloud Giant Archon Freyja, who had fallen in the final days of the Empire.

But the city expanded around him, with the Fire Giants welcoming others into their new City. Planar Rifts were opened in Gateways to allow for ease of Access and deals were struck. The city became a center of travel across the Planes and thus began the corruption of the once beautiful city. Once they realized the usefulness of slaves they began to embrace the trade, even offering to sell slaves to the Devils of the Nine Hells.

So it was for Millennia, until the Purge War. The walls of the City of Brass were never breached by man or God during the entire span of the Purge War. So many sold themselves to the Giants hoping for safety, only to find out just how cruel the Giants could be. Families were split, Fathers watched their sons be worked to Death while Mothers saw their daughters used as glorified trophies until their youthful beauty began to fade and they were cast aside to die alongside their brothers. It was at this time that Helgart Unvag emerged from his Isolation. He saw the state of his people and he was Furious. The Fire Giants had been gifted with the Rage of Urth, their Ancient God, and Helgart showed his people the true meaning of that Rage. He ripped them from their comfort and excess and reawakened their Warrior Hearts, the Hearts of the Craftsmen they had once been. This show of Force led to the Giants reconsidering their place in the City and they took up their tools once more, both of War and Creation. This change did make things better for the Slaves of the City but only those owned by Giants, the vile Efreeti had no such shame and they ignored Helgart and his outrage.   When the Red Dragons arrived upon the Plane in their flight from the Material Plane, it reawakened the Rage of the Giants who schemed when they saw the Desperation that the Dragons were in. They wrote contracts the Dragons were forced to sign or return to the Material Plane to be ripped apart by the Metallic Dragons. Once the contracts were signed the Suffering began, slowly at first and then growing with time. At first it was simple disrespect and mild abuse of power, but then the Giants began to experiment with their cruelty. Poisoning the Dragons and robbing them of their minds became nothing more than a Game for the Fire Giants who delighted in their ancient foes misery and pathetic state.
And thus is the state of the City, a cessapool of Hatred and Cruelty wrapped in a Gilded Shell.


The gilded Garden attracts many wealthy nobles from across the planes to see the immaculate garden and the maze of aqueducts within it. The entire Garden covers nearly a mile of the city, as far from the Sea of Fire as one can be and through a series of planar rifts is fed water through from the upper planes at the base of mount Celestia. Helgart Unvag welcomes any who detest the actions of his kin and is rumored to be assisting slaves escape their chains where he can.
Founding Date
-60,000 years ago
Location under


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