Imperial Report: Lamplier

The Lamplier Family Estate is currently in a state of Chaos.  
  • Lord Cyron Lamplier has been stripped of his Title and Imprisoned for the defection of three of his children
  • Lady Marlena Lamplier is under house arrest and in a state of catatonic shock
  • Lord Coen Lamplier has inherited the Estate and all holdings of his family and is struggling to keep things in order to avoid angering the Emperor and the Nobility, under pain of Execution
  • Callastro Lamplier was taken aboard the Pirate Vessel known as The Dancing Gull and seems to have defected based on recent appearances of the Vessel
  • Cian Lamplier has been declared an Exile and stripped of all titles and holdings for various Crimes against the Empire
  • Mareena Lamplier disspaeared in the night with her handmaiden and left behind a note of defection
  • Coen Lamplier has been using the city guard to keep the citizens in line and resorted to public discipline to keep the people in line. He currently resides within the Lampier Estate, with only his unresponsive mother and a handful of loyal servants for company. Reports suggest developing Paranoia and Alcholism.   Lord Cyron Lamplier has been imprisoned within the Capital City as punishment for his rebellious children and failing to keep order within his domain. He has earned the ire of both the Imperial Trademaster and The Emperor for his failures and is imprisoned indefinitley.   Callastro Lamplier has apparently joined the crew of the Pirates who kidknapped him. Reports show he was seen among the raiding party in Atalant alongside the Captain, The Infamous Archfey Galland Techres.   Cian Lamplier is currently within the Black Monastery training under Lady Obyssia and the other Grandmasters of the Obsidian Soul there.   Mareena Lamplier was last seen heading towards the border with the Alliance, with her handmaiden absent. Aid was offered but she fled without answering. Pursuit was not engaged.


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