Kiana Andronas

You know, starting my life as a Grown woman with near Demigod levels of Power should have been disorienting and confusing, and it was for a time, but I don't think I would have had it any other way.

Archlich Kiana Malasia Andronas (a.k.a. K2)

Formerly a Simulacrum of Klexia Andronas, Kiana is one of her most Loyal Attendants and one of the few who hear her speak plainly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First created as a Simulacrum, Kiana gained a degree of Sentience and independent thought when Klexia assumed Divinity. In the months and years following this Kiana slowly grew into her own mind, the spitting image of Klexia but with another personality. She is innately curious and can often be found investigating mundane tasks or objects when not studying the Arcane. Her fascination has led her to several stints where she has lived among commonfolk to understand how their lives work and how different her experience is to theirs.   She has had several Half Elf Children in her years, leading to some confusion on if they should be considered children of Klexia Andronas or not. The resounding opinion is not but many still view these young Half Bloods as special. Kiana often looks after her children until they are grown and will keep in touch with them but does not crowd them or seek them out, which has angered Klexia on a handful of occassions where the Goddess believes Kiana is ignoring her children. One of her more notable children was the result of an Agreement between Kiana and the God of Magic, Nethys. This half divine child was negelected by her parents and taken in by Klexia herself when she realized neither of them had any desire to nurture the child.   Kiana is one of the Moon Sages and treats her duties among their ranks as seriously as she can. She is an Archlich like Ashara and Vissera and stands as one of the more powerful members of the group, though like her counterparts she often acts through others so as not to draw attention to herself or her goals. Like Ashara, Kiana does spend an odd amount of time wandering the far planet of Eox and conversing with the local Bone Sages there.   Unlike Klexia who specialized in Necromancy, Kiana specializes in Conjuration Magics and has been responsible for more than a handful of incidents involving Planar Rifts.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wandering Witch
The Imitation Goddess
The Planeswalker
The Portal Witch
The Mistress of Magic
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Radiant White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple Gray
180 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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