The Moon Sages

Have you ever fought someone who knows so much more about how the world works than you that it feels like you can do nothing to them? No? Keep talking down to me and you will. - Archlich Ashara Andronas

The Moon Sages were formally formed several centuries after the fall Unification. In truth they were active in much of their current form only a handful of decades afterwards, when Ashara Andronas began traveling the devastated world and acting on behalf of Klexia.


Officially, the Sages have little formal structure. They stand as Equals and cooperate with eachother openly. In reality the Sages are each quite protective of their Knowledge and share little with one another unless made to by circumstances or Klexia herself. Atop the Hierarchy stands Ashara, one of Klexia's favorites to observe and arguably the single most powerful "Mortal" mage in the world. Her command of Chronomancy inspires terror in those who know her true capabilities and as such the Other Sages are more likely to cooperate with her than their other fellows.


The relationships between the Sages are in flux constantly and they do not often work together, partially because of their divergent interests and partially because they were ordered to not do so by Ziel Viendal when the denizens of the Outer Planes realized how much power the group held when unified. To avoid a cataclysm the Sages were given a long and specific set of circumstances in which they were permitted to use their powers to their fullest and when they could be allowed to work together in using said powers. The restrictions were agreed to and each new member is required to agree to them.

Public Agenda

The Sages act on behalf of Klexia in matters that by Divine Law she cannot intervene on herself. Officially. Unofficially they hoard knowledge on the Old World and conduct research using said knowledge. They are on the short list of individuals that Klexia allows to collect, understand and make use of Old World Knowledge and they have used this knowledge to help guide kingdoms and nations towards better solutions to their problems. They do not directly dispense their knowledge but will offer cryptic clues and vague hints to those who ask for solutions.


Each Sage wields power either akin to a Demigod or is a Demigod themselves, in the case of Beatrice and unofficially Elliot Andronas. To become a Sage one must demonstrate a command of Magic that most, even scholars of the Arcane or other Masters of Magic, can not. Additionally they must be recognized by Klexia herself.   Upon accepting the title and status of a Sage the individual has an arcane rune engraved into their skin that allows them to keep a constant connection with their goddess, allowing her to see through them as needed or channel her power if neccessary, even through barriers or blockers that would otherwise make such actions impossible. In return for this the Sage is granted the ability to traverse the Planes to Klexia's Divine Plane and the knowledge kept within.

Through Knowledge, The Power to command Change.


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