Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

I am Ashara Andronas. Student of Chronurgy and the luckiest Tiefling alive. I have a wonderful family, two wonderful partners and magic that some would kill for.

Archlich Ashara Ashdew- Andronas (a.k.a. Ashe/Spitfire)

A Tiefling slave from The City of Brass afflicted with The White Blight. She is currently under the care of Klexia Andronas.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ashe has a typical mage's constitution, she is of generally average health save for her infection of the White Blight. Her physical prowess is rather lacking when compared to her adoptive sisters, though she does join them to occasionally practice sparring with her staff.   Despite eating properly, and in frequent cases eating more than someone of her size and build should, she continues to be unnaturally skinny and is more often than not always hungry.   Her battle with the White Blight has taken a turn for the worse since a few weeks after the Chaotic Seven were trapped within the Shadowfel. It seems that when she and Kartalos failed to remove the spell keeping the adventurers trapped she fell into a brief depression and her seeming immunity to the Blight's progression wavered. As it stands it spreads very very slowly but traces of it can be observed on her shoulders and the upper portions of her legs and tail.

Body Features

Ashe bears many scares from her time as a slave, these are readily visible without being fully covered in cloth. She doesn't seem to much mind her scars and if asked about them will casually mention how she recieved it and who she killed in retribution. There are several much deeper wounds upon her back and stomach that she takes great care to hide and wil activley avoid showing to others.

Identifying Characteristics

Piercing Blue Eyes, Large Horns for her body size and age. She remains exceptionally thin and underweight. Occasionally one can see flames covering parts of her body though these flames seem to not spread beyond herself. - Sanguine

Physical quirks

Her tail moves back and forth constantly when she is still, moving in a perfectly timed pattern. It is notable only for how consistent the timing on it is.

Special abilities

Hellfire Generation and control: Ashara is capable of innately generating Hell Fire on nearby objects or creatures that can kill within moments. Hellfire is capable of burning even fire elementals and creatures who wield lesser flames. Since being taken in by the Chaotic Seven and being freed from her slave bindings, she has made precious little use of this ability save for mundane tasks such as heating water or kindling camping flames.   Quick Intellect: Despite her upbringing she is incredibly intelligent, as demonstrated by her growth in the arcane arts. Already she rivals most of the more intelligent members of the Keep and she continues to study the tomes brought forth when Klexia returned to the keep with Vissera's ring. She shows little sign of struggling even with more advanced magical theories and has begun scribing her own spellbook with 4th level spells. She aids her "close friends", Kartalos and Mevara, with their studies should they stumble and they aid her in turn. From Vissera's tomes she has become one of the few in the modern age to practice Chronurgy Magic and her skill at wielding it is astounding for someone of her age. While she has shown an innate ability for destructive Evocation magic, especially fire based spells, she has activley chosen to not hone this craft, when Numiner asked why she responded with "I don't want to hurt people anymore."

Specialized Equipment

Ashara carries with her a collapsible staff crafted by Shizani and enchanted by Numi. These enchantments enable her to wield near harmless projectiles of force that can be used to knock opponents off balance or to wield a limited version of Telekinesis. When not being used, she keeps the staff collapsed and hidden within her sleeve.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ashe was born on The Material Plane to a human mother on the continent of Moromel who was burdened with Debts. Unable to survive in her conditons, she sold her newborn daughter to a slaver from The Blackwall Province for 50 gold. Ashe was brought to the City of Dis but, lacking any use as she was a newborn, she was sold again to a Minor noble within The City of Brass who viewed Tieflings as a novelty. Ashe was raised with the intent to be a a handmaiden to the Noble's daughter, but that did not go as planned when the girl was found as a burned out husk when Ashe was only Four Years Old. While no cause or source was found, Ashe was blamed and subjected to lashings.   Following that Incident, Ashe was sold off once again and thus began a tumultuous cycle of sales involving the Tiefling. She was sold to Fire Giants, who were reduced to cinders. She was given freely to an Efreeti who was later found destroyed by flames. None could unravel what exactly Ashe was or how she had managed to destroy these creatures. Now Ashe has been purchased by Kasrag Malkith and Sanguine they can find no one who will take her.   -From the Notes of Sanguine #38     Following her arrival at Dragon's Claim Keep and her introduction to the Hag Esther Bitteroot, Ashe's powers of Hellfire were suppressed until it was discovered that the Hellfire in her blood was keeping her infection of The White Blight at bay, at which point the suppression was removed and she was officially freed from Slavery. Following this she was at a loss of what to do, as she had spent her whole life either seeking death or freedom and now recieving her freedom she had not thought would come.   She now seeks to earn the approval of her adoptive mothers, Zefer in particular. She has proven adept at her lessons with Lockpicks though her true calling seems to be that of Magic as her Burning Blood has given her a knack for Sorcery. She now spends her free time studying within The Moon Haven Tower alongside Kartalos and Mevara, both of whom have begun calling her a friend. The trio were seen asleep leaning against one another for support as they had been studying late into the night.   Ashe has been advancing rapidly in her studies, in no small part due to her very liberal use of the Fel-Harmonic Festival's time dilation and having Mevara and Kartalos aid in her studies. She has taken up the rare study of Dunamancy alongside Kartalos and while he has focused on the magics of Graviturgy to aid with his spinal injuries, Ashe has taken up Chronurgy in an attempt to rid herself of The White Blight. While she has yet to achieve anything close to this feat of magical prowess, it should be noted that she did manage to inadvertently cause temporal disruptions within the Keep. Both Numi and Esther have kept a closer eye upon her since, as the three of them show great promise, if they can avoid harming themselves with their experiments.   Ashe has grown tired of the name she was given within the Slave Market and has chosen a new name for herself, Ashara.   Following Numi's Death, Ashara pushed aside her own sadness to console her friends. She attended Kartalos and Mevara and when Shinryu Varag attempted to provoke Kartalos, Ashara threatened to undo his existence using her temporal magics. After this attempted provocation, Mevara fled the Moon Haven and ran to the Fel-Harmonic Festival. Ashara and Kartalos followed and spent days attempting to console them.   While the duo was attempting to console their friend, they were interupted by Kenina Ashdew who used an incense given to her by Esther Bitteroot to show them their future selves and have them help her guide in the best future for all of them.   Following Kenina's departure Mevara returned to their friends and the three of them discussed what they had seen and what their plans going forward were. When they returned to the Moon Haven alongside the Chaotic Seven they were seen acting far closer with one another than they had previously.   Now that the Chaotic Seven have departed the Keep for the Shadowfel, Ashara has been making furious notes with what time she has to retain her future memories. These notes have mainly been made within a journal and much of it seems to be advice on how certain things should be responded to. She and Kartalos have also transcribed scrolls of spells they created later in life for present use, as well as adding them to their spellbooks.   She has been struggling to keep up with the more physical sides of her lifestyle, first her training in martial combat slowed and now she struggles to walk the halls of the Moon Haven. All know the reason no matter how she tries to hide it and her coughing has kept Numi awake many a night. Be it Esther, Aris or Shizani, nothing seems to help her make any sort of progress against the sickness. She remains dedicated to her studies, preparing alongside Mevara and Kartalos for some manner of plan the three of them have concocted. She has claimed her own sleeping quarters away from Kartalos and Mevara to avoid potentially infecting them.   When Mazerath led an invasion of Dragon's Claim Keep, Ashara sought out the Rotten God and with a group of friends who had followed her, challenged him. During the battle he forced the Blight within her to accelerate, crippling her ability to battle. To weak to end her life before the Blight took her and her soul would be claimed by Mazerath, she asked Kartalos to end her life. Despite it breaking his heart, he obliged her as he ripped her heart out and crushed it, bringing her life to a sudden end before she could succumb to the Blight.   Her soul has now returned to her biological father, Archduke Mephistopheles of Cania. She now plans to fight her father as long as she can until aid comes, from Kartalos or another source...   With help from the Chaotic Seven Ashara managed to slay her father and consume his soul via her phylactery. This fueled her change into an Archlich and freed her from the White Blight as her body was reconstructed. She has taken to the new form quite well, often making use of her skeletal body to humorously mock people when the situation is not tense.   She joined the Elliot retrieval squad when the Black Dragon was taken and she has been of aid to them as a way to keep in contact with their families at the Keep. She and Kartalos have been keeping in regular touch with Mevara as well, who stayed behind because they were still recovering from the Attack on the Keep.


Like many of her Adoptive Parents, Ashara demonstrates extreme Pansexuality. Though she has not shown any interest in anyone aside from Kartalos and Mevara.


She was taught to be a Handmaiden until the age of four, and as such she can read and write Common and has knowledge of how to act in 'Proper' settings. - Sanguine   She now attends what qualify as classes at the Moon Haven but her primary form of magical learning comes from practice with Kartalos and Mevara.

Mental Trauma

Has been subjected to more Beatings, Lashes and torture than slaves four times her age. Her body is covered with scars and she views any attempt to touch her as an attempt to cause harm. She was capable of Speech but either refuses to respond or has been rendered mute through Violence. - Kasrag

Morality & Philosophy

Cares little for People and given the chance and left unsupervised, she will cause things to ignite, even without any source of Flame.


Kartalos Andronas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas



Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Kartalos Andronas




Following Ashe's arrival at the keep she often went to the Moon Haven to see both Alizain and Kartalos. She felt a sort of kinship with the two former slaves and discussed some topics she knew others who had not been subjected to the things they had would not understand. Over time Ashe became more and more interested in Arcane magic, disregarding her own innate magics in favor of the arts of study and dedication. She became Kartalos' rival and friend in study and along the way they became quite close. The duo were joined by Mevara when their siblings chose different disciplines to focus upon. In time she taught the duo what she had learned in her studies and the trio became a constant sight within the Moon Haven's libraries. When Vissera's Collection was added to the tower's collection the three of them made off with more than a few tomes of more forbidden or dangerous magical secrets, which they studied extensivley. Ashara became the first newly trained Chronurgist outside of the Magus ccouncil of Roseweald since before the Purge War and Kartalos has renewed the Art of Graviturgy from the annals of history, since none have been observed since long before the Purge War began. The three of them are very close these days and spend much time in each others company, though Ashara does return to her quarters within the Keep PRoper each night, barring the infrequent times the group falls asleep while researching. Other than Kenina, Kartalos and Mevara are the only two whom she allows to see her deepest scars. Ashara has been seen more and more frequently entering the Clearspring Bath house, specifically the steam rooms as a means of theraputic meditation, often accompanied by Kartalos as the heat and steam help soothe his own scars. Mevara cannot handle the heat the two of them can and often is found barring the door to prevent unwanted intrusion.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kartalos' Nicknames: Karty, Kartalos the Graviturgist (occasionally refers to himself as "The Unstoppable Cripple" much to Ashara and Mevara's horror)   Ashara's Nicknames: Ashe, Ashes, Spitfire, Ashara the Chronurgist, Ashara the Firebrand

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them, along with Mevara, are eager to learn and understand more of Magic and how it interacts with their world. The trio can often be seen together within the Moon Haven or at the Fel-Harmonic Festival. Almost always each of them carry various tomes of arcane lore or theory and they will practice spellcraft together or form their own theories.

Legal Status

Definitley not in arelationship

Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni



Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Kenina and Ashara met when Zefer brought the Tiefling back with her from the City of Brass and Kenina had hatched while the Angelic Thief was away. At first they did not get along, squabbling and bickering as Ashe was unsure of how to act outside of her slave bonds. Soon enough, Kenina poked and prodded at Ashe's scars with questions on what happened and Ashe's facade of strength broke down as Kenina's hand crossed one of her deepest scars. The Tiefling collapsed as memories over took her of a savage beating she had recieved at the age of five, her mind trying to flee while her body was frozen. Kenina did her best to calm Ashe and she was there when the Tiefling awoke, eyes full of concern. Ashe gave a brief thanks before running from the other girl. Later, Ashe apologized after she had recovered her wits and gave a brief explanantion of what had happened. Kenina promised not to speak of her stories and it became a regular occurence for Ashe to relive her worst memories with Kenina to listen and offer comfort. Since then the two have become better acquainted and share a sisterly bond that none could break. Following the traveling Bard, Fizban's talk with Kenina Ashe has been helping her sister to process what will become of her.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ashe refers to Kenina as any of the following interchangably: Keni, Your Holiness and "Your great and powerful Shinyness"   Kenina refers to Ashe as the following: Spitfire, The Genius of Clocks and The Booknerd.

Shared Secrets

Despite not being seen together very often the two share a bond, Kenina being unsure of what her status as a Platinum Dragon means for her and Ashe being unsure and even frightened of who her Father is or was. The two reassure each other and will stand against whatever comes their way together.

Legal Status


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni



Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Tali and Ashe occupy much the same position in each others mind, in that the two have a profound rivalry. Ashe had never known any form of affection from anyone and when Zefer and Shizani allowed her to join their family she took to Kenina readily. With Tali she felt her position for attention being threatened by this tiny feathered child. Tali seemed to have picked up on this resentment because the feeling became mutual within the span of a few weeks within the Fel-Harmonic Festival. The two vyed for favor from their mothers and after some discipline to both from Shizani and Zefer, the two found more amicable ground. Nowadays they still share a rivalry, though it is more comabtive and friendly in nature. When Ashara makes new breakthroughs in her studies she often goes to challenge Tali to a duel. The angelic girl is a rather adept study under Zefer and Ari, having picked up many of their more evasive skills in a short time. As the record currently stands their total number of matches within the Hammerfall Arena stand at 107 with Tali having won 64 of those, though she has been on a losing streak since Ashara gained her Chronurgy Magic.

Nicknames & Petnames

Tali's nicknames: Light for brains, Feather head and "The sneaky bird"   Ashara's Nicknames: Slowfire, The scarred one and "The Dragon Tamer" (She was told to call Ashe this by Elliot)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The two of them the aspect of competition adn they provide one another a constant source of rivalry and motivation to improve.

Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni



Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Ashara interacted with her adoptive Brother very little when he first hatched, she was often occupied with Kenina and Kartalos. After awhile she began to spend more time around Shizani and by extension Gilroy, who was nearly always within his Mother's lab. Ashe hardly understood his interest in clockwork creations and often melted them with her hell fire for amusement. Gilroy would not cry or throw a fit but begin reconstructing his creations from the molten slag, using his breath to heat the metal and reshape it with the tools within the lab or his own hands.   When Ashara had matured more, she apologized to Gilroy for her actions and is now more protective of him. She understands he likes the quiet of working in the workshop and if she sees anyone causing him problems she will often scare them off. When she is in the workshop with Shizani and Gilroy she can often be seen helping him melt down scrap.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ashara's Nicknames: The Destroyer, Forge hands and Big Sister.   Gilroy's nicknames: Little Red, The architect and Little Brother.

Legal Status


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Mevara




Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Mevara joined the studies of Kartalos and Ashara when the two of them were still beginning to learn, while she had already had several months of tutelage from her mother in the ways of the arcane. She helped the duo understand magic on a deeper level and the rest is history. Since then the trio has become inserperable.

Nicknames & Petnames

Mevara's nicknames: Mevy, The Battlemage in Black and "The prettiest Dragon I ever did see"   Ashara's Nicknames: Ashe, The Time wizard and "The Blue Eyed Firebrand"

Legal Status

Definitley not in a relationship



Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Towards Mevara


Kartalos Andronas


Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Towards Kartalos Andronas


Class: Infernal Bloodline Sorceror/Chronurgy Wizard
Chaotic Good
8 > 20 (Via Festival Time)
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Mortal Mother who sold her to pay off her debts
Parents (Adopting)
Mevara (Partner)
Kartalos Andronas (Partner)
Kenina Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Sister)
Tali Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Sister)
Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Sister)
Solid Sky Blue
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Maroon
95 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

This article has no secrets.


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