Lord Regent Douglas Ashlan

Douglas Ashlan is the Lord Regent of Graymark, not king because there is no way to have a coronation for the royalty currently. Douglas is a foreigner who was made a noble for great deeds done in service to the Kingdom of Graymark, he originally hails from the Imperium, though he has mentioned that he may no longer return there. Douglas is an expert swordsman and archer and has publicly vowed that he will find a way to slay the Beast and reclaim Greyfell. He and Brynne Byrne married as public display of unity though the two disagree on many things. He is quite the charismatic charmer and many of the survivors of Greyfell view him as their leader. He is popular among the soldiers and guards who survived as he trains with them and is often the one who brings in the largest game.   His plans of removing the beast have ranged from using a modified battering ram to harm the creature and then trap it beneath the contraption to one proposal of pouring molten Iron upon the creature in an attempt to trap it. Though none of his plans so far have worked his attempts give hope to the people under his command. He is the only person to have survived fleeing from the castle the night of the Massacre.




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